Lower Umpqua FF expo

Hi all. You can see Montana Moose’s post on this event in the “upcoming events” thread but since it is over I will post mine here.
George picked me up promptly at 6:00 am and we proceeded down do Reedsport following the Umpqua river. There was a very nice sized group of folks there considering that the club hosting the expo is fairly small. The venue was a little small but not cramped and it actually made it easy to interact with the others around. Lots of donated items to be had at a silent auction and a real who’s who with regards to FF experience. I think the aspect of the event I enjoyed the most was the fly tyer’s tables. I parked myself in front of every one of them and learned some real cool tricks from all who were very adept at their craft.
I took some pics too.
Dan Brock with a small contingent of a very extensive collection of rare FF gear. That is Jeanie Moore, the wife of our local legend, Frank Moore at the table in the background.

If you get any FF mags you’ve probably seen Frank’s smiling face in there.

Frank and Jeanie were the founders of the famouse Steamboat Inn on the North Umpqua.

He really drew a crowd to himself but when plyed by George for the direction up or downriver from his house for the best holding water he simply smiled a wiley grin and said, “either way”.
I had a few more pics but I see I just hit my limit for this thread.
It was a great day and I’m glad I was able to go.
If you are still reading this I have an offer for you. I picked up a coupon for ten dollars off any purchase over fifty dollars at Sportsman’s Warehouse in Salem, Oregon. Since I am too far away to use it I will send it to the first one to PM me with an address.

What a ton of fun that must of been.

Thanks for sharing,

Steve Molcsan

The Coupon is claimed.

Wow, great report Backcastwards, somehow i missed this a year ago. Great pics of the legend and of Dan. Thanks !

