Low RPM Motor fo Fly Turner

Does anyone know where I can find a low speed motor to make a fly turner. (AC or battery operated) Not having much luck searching for them myself. I know that you can use rotissere motors but was looking for something lighter and hopefully less expensive. If you can recommend a particular motor that would be great too. Any help appreciated.

did a google, came up with this place


I was lucky and a friend gave me an electric motor that is 1 RPM. I just used this florist material for a wheel, but it works fine. I just took a strap the I had and mounted it to the 2 X 4. This motor only has a chord that is about 2’ long so I don’t know it’s actual purpose. However I don’t know where to get one. Sorry.

If you or someone you know has a microwave that needs replacing. The turntable motors are approx. 3 rpm.

pm sent

A bbq rotisserie motor will work as well. Checkout yard sales for one.

Cabelas has a nice motor for $25. I’ve been using one 20 yrs now and still going strong. It is easy to make your own stand and put packing foam block on it.

http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templ … hasJS=true

Here’s a 3 rpm disco ball motor I bought for rod wrapping. $9.99 + shipping
http://www.cheapdjgear.us/3_RPM_Mirrorb … m-mot3.htm
Here’s how I mounted it.


I’ve been looking for an old rotissery for about a year now at garage sales. Never found one.

I install appliances and replace microwaves all the time, never even thought about taking it apart and using the turntable motor. Thanks for the tip, next one I replace will be disected.

I have a near never ending supply of old microwaves, so if anyone is looking for one and wants to pay the shipping, I’ll take a motor out for you and send it on to you. Just PM ME and let me know if you need one.