I just finished this build. I started before Joe. He’s just faster than me.
Black Lamiglas 7’6" 4w. Copper anodized (and coated with Permagloss), flamed rattan cigar grip, jungle caulk feather inlay, Mildrum stripper guide, Snake Brand snake guides and tip top. I used black thread for wrapping and some bronze metallic thread for some tipping and winding between the rattan. I used 2 coats of Minwax poly varnish on the guide threads, followed by about 12 coats of Ace Spar Varnish. Finally it was basted twice with a 50/50 mix of Ace spar and turpentine. 600 and 800 grit wet sanding between coats. So here it is. I can only post four. And a special thanks to Mike- boarmountain for the reel seat.
Simple and refined. I like it. Nice work.
Nice job on the varnish, it looks liquid. Classy grip and reelseat. What blank is it?
Awesome job. Much better work than mine! Looks like the younger sister is going to get all the attention. And she deserves it. I really like the reel seat. Is that an old Fenwick?
No, I don’t know what brand it is. I’ll pm you with a few more details later on.
As someone who agonizes over my epoxy, I gotta say “you gotta be kidding me!”. You put sixteen coats on your thread wraps? If I’m real patient, I might get 3 on - you’re amazing!. How long does it take for each coat to dry?
you folks around here are very talented craftsmen. these rods you make are a work of art!
I let it dry at least 24 hours between coats. I’ve other rods I fish with so it didn’t matter to me about the drying times. The varnish is so thin once it’s built up I just coated and wet sanded. This rod was an experiment. I do have to admit, I really like the varnish. I does take longer to dry and I’m going to let this sit for a couple weeks before I even put the sections together.
Thanks for the compliments. It’ll be a rod that will be fished with.
not that you can tell yet but didi the varnish overcoat change the ferrule fit much? or did you mask off the male portion of the ferrule.
I do really like the look and the workmanship is unreal.
The bronze metallic thread is very subtle. Job well done!
Many thanks again folks. Cheffy, I didn’t tape it off It’s a tip over butt so it didn’t or shouldn’t have made much of a difference (I’m letting it dry for another week). The final coats are very thin. If it would have been a 3 pc. with ferrule I would have taped up the ferrules.