I?m repairing an old fiberglass fly rod and the ferrules are loose but they won?t come off. How do I remove them or fix this problem?
I?m repairing an old fiberglass fly rod and the ferrules are loose but they won?t come off. How do I remove them or fix this problem?
Welcome to the best board of it’s kind James-FS, if you haven’t done ferrule repair or replacement before, you may want to proceed carefully as they may be pinned. If the ferrules are very loose male to female you’ll have to replace them and for an old glass rod this may mean you’ll have to use something other than the original type but that are a size that will fit the blank. If you just mean loose on the blank you’ll have to remove and re-glue them. You’ll have to buy or make a pin driver tool to remove the pins (if the ferrules are pinned) then free the ferrules from the blank by dunking them in increasingly hotter water if the glue doesn’t melt right away, which it sometimes does and other times doesn’t.
Again, if you haven’t done this before you’ll want to proceed carefully and slowly. You can do it though and if you have more questions, someone that knows more about it than I will surely help.
IF the rod is fiberglas the ferrules will not be pinned. For replacement ferrules try Janns netcraft for chrome plated brass or Goldenwitch for nickle silver($$). Try taking a lighter or candle to the ferrule to warm the adhesive. go slow since you don’t want to melt the fiberglass.