Looking for a shuttle service in Montana

Can anybody recommend a shuttle service in Montana, particularly around the Billings/Livingston area? We’re doing a five day point to point through the Beartooths and will need a shuttle to help us out. Thanks folks!

Check with the Bighorn Fly Shop in Billings. If they can’t help you out, I’m sure they’d be able to send you in the right direction.

[li]Bighorn Fly & Tackle Shop ?[/li][li]Website [](javascript:void(0)) ?[/li]li 656-8257[/li][/ol]

Bob Bergquist, is an outfitter in Livingston and guides out of Geo. Anderson’s fly shop there. I believe that Bob’s wife operates a shuttle service called Hooter’s Shuttle Service. The number I have for it is (406) 222-7979.

There are closer places to the Beartooth’s than Billings and Livingston, but I presume you already knew that when you specifically mentioned those 2 places.

I’ve never been to that corner of the state before. We’re going in the area of the Stillwater river south of Nye. I only mentioned Billings and Livingston out of ignorance. Thanks for the help guys.

You might be able to find a shuttle in Absarokee, which would be much closer, but I don’t know about Nye. I believe there are a couple white water raft companies operating there and they might know of where you could get a shuttle.
Perhaps someone who lives closer to that area will chime in here.

There are some raft companies in that area. I think that I would start with the local Chamber of Commerce in Billings or perhaps Columbus. They are the closest bigger communities near to the Stillwater area. The Big Horn Fly and Tackle Shop in Billings might be able to provide you some leads.