Looking for a new reel.

I just built a new 6 wt rod for bass and carp fishing and I am in need of a new reel. Does anyone have a suggestion for a decent reel that won’t break the bank?

Might look at Redington Behemoth. I think $139. I have 2, 5/6 and 9/10. A great drag. Use mine in the salt.

The generic shop brands from BassPro/Cabelas regularly get good reviews and come in all price brackets. I’d also look at the Lamson Liquid especially in the 3 pack configuration which is hard to beat at <$200, and the reel alone is around $100. There are a ton of no-name, off-shore manufactured, rebranded reels out there for cheaper, but I tend to favor brands with a known track record in case I need repairs. YMMV.

I can second this.

I have the designed by Lamson sold by Cabelas “Prestige Plus” models in the 3/4 wt. and 7/8wt. sizes as well as the Lamson Liquid 3 pack in 5/6 wt. and there’s not a lot of difference EXCEPT you can’t buy extra spools for the Cabelas versions. But if you use one line or don’t mind changing line they are a good value. Especially on sale.

I like the known brand too for the same reasons. of course a really nice higher priced fully machined reel is nice but I haven’t found them to be necessary for any fishing I do.

I own and use a “Piscifun” fully machined reel I think I paid $55 for. The one I have has been flawless and smooth and
it’s nice for the price.

But my favorite is the Redington Behemoth. Have one in 7/8 and it’s solid. The drag is great even if I don’t need it that much. It’s nice to have something that is functionally that good even if it’s not necessary.

Until a couple of years ago I used old Martin’s and Pluegers except in for a Bass Pro Ultralight machined I use on a 2wt. and the Cabelas I used on the 8wt and above. Never had any problems with any Martin or Pfluegers.

I’ve always liked the Okuma Helios reels.

Hey Brad,
And maybe it’s time to take that Kusse reel off it’s pedestal and give it a spin.:>)


You do not need much of a reel for bass but in shallow waters and current carp can sometimes make the reel work for a bit. You might look at the Echo Bravo. Good drag and capacity and quite a bit lighter than the Behemoth.

Hey Mark
That’s the wrong type of reel for the fish I’ll be chasing. It will get wet in due course. Just retired so I will have some time to get a new bamboo built this winter.
I need something with a decent drag to stop the carp. Been fishing for bass with the long rod for 50 years and have never had one on the reel. Not one and I have caught my share of big bass.

Sent you a PM. Actually I think it went out twice as my first attempt said my box was full so I retyped it.

[i]“Just retired so I will have some time”

[/i]What again? Is it going to last this time?

Sierra Outdoors sale on Lamson Micra Litespeed fly reels



God only knows. The rumor is that 2 Health Departments are fighting for my services. I doubt if they can afford me. Time will tell. You coming to the Michigan Fish In this year?

I would really like to but I have a conflict with another fishing trip.
I have been going the last week of June for a few years to northern Quebec for Pike and Walleye with a friend and his family.
The upside is the average Smallmouth we are catching is around 17-18" with 20"+ not uncommon.
Maybe the Hex would like to move the hatch a week or two.
When is the next best time for the Au Sable?

For me, I like the week or 2 before the Hex hatch. By the way, if an 18" smallmouth is something you don’t enjoy catching, just give me a call and I will take your place.

I have used the orvises, okumas, redingtons, box stores but have settled on the Lamsons. awesome reels for the money. the litespeed is a great reel or look for a used velocity. warranty is great, lifetime. they will also c
lean and replace drag bushings anytime you want, even if you buy a used one.

For me with trout its the Abel TR1 and TRLight
Old school simple in 3 & 4wts double taper willow and olive green lines…

There are deals at Sierra Outdoors:



Because you are talking carp and a 6 wt… Several people posted very good points including the Lamsons at STP, and especially the Echo. Both reels are highly regarded among guides here in AK for serious duty on salmon. I own and use a large number of both and find them truly high quality, tough stuff.

That said, there is a serious sleeper IME&O. That would be the TFO BVK reels. At the local fly shop I spend tons of time at I was talking with one of the pioneering old guard guides a while back and he was saying he had gone to the BVK reels for guiding for king salmon on the Good News River a number of years ago and had found the reels flawless. I had purchased several of them a number of years ago and have used them extensively on coho salmon in a tough place. The river I fish a lot has a ton of fish but they are spooky (they ARE silvers…) and I need to hook them at the tail of the pool and DEMAND they do not go to the top of the pool and put all of the other fish down. The BVKs I use for that have been put to pretty serious tests on rods from 8 to 12 weight. Like I said, they WILL not get into the school.

So far the BVK reels have done everything I have asked without fail and they have beautiful, smooth drags and are tough. For the money I find them hard to match.

I have a Wind River from Cabela’s on my 7 weight, and I actually like it.

This may be late, but Piscafun Platte for about 160 is machined cnc, has enclosed drag that will stop a truck, and spools are available. For sat or brackish water hard to beat. They alsohave the Sword at about 65; still machined but drag is not sealed. See McFly Angler for reviews.