Look Out for the "Hise" Boy's!!

You all be in big trouble now!! My kid brother has just come aboard (Ron Hise)!! He was very much impressed with the Idaho Fish-In, hadn’t flyfished in several years. We had a grand time togather, first time since “95”. Even though he "smoked me’ most days I did have a better day Tuesday, skunked him for a change!!.
Ron and I are very close. We are the only fishermen/outdoorsmen in the family and thanks to a great bunch of FAOL members we became even closer.
So, to me, the Fish-In was very much more, so very much more.
Thank you all!

It’s not just about fly fishing, is it ol’ buddy? I know how much you were looking forward to spending time with Ron, & it sure seems it even surpassed your expectations. I’m real happy for you Jack!
Ron…Hope to see a lot of posts from you…If you follow in “Big Brother’s” footsteps, I KNOW we will!

Welcome to the BB!

Welcome Ron…I look forward to your posts…Jack has not stopped talking about you since I picked him up at the airport!:wink: He enjoyed the trip and I know you must have to.

Two of you now? I have to reserve a few more hours on my shrink’s couch to handle that. Wellcome aboard, Ron. I hope you have a thick skin if you get picked on half much as Jack does.

I spent some time with Ron on the Selway in Idaho with casting lessons. He did right well with my QC quad. Even though he is related to Jack he seems OK.

Welcome aboard Ron! Fortunately for you your much much much much older brother has small shoes to fill so you should fit in right away. :wink:

Yup, those Hise boys were a handful at the Idaho Fish-In. Pleasure meeting both of you. For a guy who’s been away from fly fishing for a while, he seemed to outfish Jack the older a lot. Wonder if getting super secret flies had anything to do with it?

Ah, yes. Another potential candidate for the NBOF. Welcome aboard.

Welcome aboard Ron, looking forward to your posts.

I couldn’t agree more! Ron, welcome aboard!

Hey Ron,
Welcome aboard (and pardon the pun). In case you haven’t noticed, we like your brother. We look forward to the opportunity to like you as well. I’ve gone up to a couple of Michigan Fish-Ins and 13 hours in a pickup cab goes by nicely when Jack is there to cut up with. Perhaps you can join us in Grayling for a fish-in.

Take care,

A real pair to draw too!! :mrgreen:


That is a very cool photo…:sunglasses:

OH BOY! Why didn’t someone tell me there are two of them Hise folk around? Thought Jack was an Orphan. :wink: Well I guess ohio can’t have all the fun, we all got the Dial Brothers.:stuck_out_tongue:

The Hises & the Dials (past & present)…you can spend a lifetime looking, but you’ll not find finer families!

Ron if I were you I’d demand a DNA test! Hah even though we tease your much much OLDER BY FAR brother and keeper of the fudge a lot, We really do like him for the most part.

Jack I really am glad I met you and Ron in Idaho. It kind of makes it more meaningfull when I take those cheap shots at you that I love so much. Heh heh did you get the message someone left for you on the bullitin board. :mrgreen: Man I really enjoyed that!!!


I just remembered that the “Kid” is off in the Idaho mountians trying to fill his sheep tag! That’s why he was doing all that running at the Fish-In, not because he snitched the fudge!!
The State only gives out 50 some permits a year so wish him luck!!

Welcome to the Family…and We won’t hold Your Relationship with a certain other Hise against You:rolleyes: