Long casts


Rick Zieger - Jul 11, 2016

I missed a week to go fishing. Rain on the days I could go and then I had to put the truck in the shop for brake work. That messed up the fishing. Got the truck on Tuesday and decided that I needed to be out.

I walked into a pond as it is way too wet to drive into many places. Came in the Northwest corner of the pond and headed down toward the dam and across the damn to the southeast corner. This way I can fish back to the truck. I also getting closer to the truck if the basket gets heavier.

There was a slight breeze blowing part of the time. Made several casts and had not caught anything. The breeze stopped and I saw the back fin of a fish out of the water about 45 feet offshore. Changed flies to some un-weighted ones. Cast one of these out and let it drop a little. Saw the line move to the side and had a nice gill on the line. The rod tip danced a lot as the fish came in to hand.

Made a few more casts and picked up another fish. Tried the other rod with another fly and did not get anything else. Move a short distance and tried again. Picked up three fish in that area, but I cast to the right a little then about 10 feet toward the left, about straight in front of me, and then another 10 feet to the left. I did this several more times as stops were made along the dam. Not sure if that was all the fish in the area or if hooking one spooked the others in the area. Did try moving back about 40 feet and trying again, but did not get any fish.

I decided to try some other flies and see if they would work. I got fish on any fly that was un-weighted. The cast had to be long as I tried shorter casts near shore and the fish were not there. I had to get out to 45 feet or more and things got interesting.

I noticed that another person was coming into the pond. When he got close I saw that it was a college student that is living in town over the summer. I told him to come over around where I was. We ended up fishing together for about 45 minutes before he needed to head out. I made sure he had enough fish to take home.

I headed out at the same time. Got home and took care of the fish. Had more than I thought I had caught so there were lots of fillets to eat and to share.

Hope you can get out on the water.