Lively Robber Fly SBS

Chauncey Lively’s pattern from the 60’s, used to imitate a non-aquatic Diptera found on the Au Sable in Michigan. This one’s a bit rough around the edges (thinner mono next time); more interested in getting the sequence right.

hook - WFC Model 11 #12
thread - UTC 140 tan/Danville 6/0 black
core - 15 lb mono
tail/abdomen - deer hair
thorax - peacock herl
wing - deer hair
hackle - grizzly/brown

Part 1

Make a loop in a length of mono

Start thread mid-shank, brush with Super Glue, tie in mono

Clean, stack a clump of deer hair; tie in, allowing the hair to encircle the shank, hook the loop onto the gallows

Spiral wrap the deer hair up the mono

And back down; trim mono and deer hair tips

Switch to black thread; tie in peacock herl

Wrap herl; tie off/trim

Part 2

Clean, stack, measure (halfway to tip of tail) a clump of deer hair; trim butts/tie in

Divide wing in half with thread wraps

Tie in hackle

Wrap, tie off/trim, half hitch x 2, SHHAN


nice tie, different colors would make a nice hopper