My wife bought a frozen turkey that was wrapped (sealed) in a plastic wrapper that was wrapped in a linked plastic material. Sorta looks like little plastic chain link fencing. I looked at it and immediatly thought stone fly nymph legs. I tried it on a few flies with mixed results. I’ve seen it in 4 different colors: black. gold, tan and white. Anyone else tried this stuff? Jim
I have a chunk of similar stuff in black from a ham that I thought would work for stonefly tails but it lacks the taper of goose biots and didn’t work out very well. I haven’t thrown it out yet but I don’t know what I might do with it.
Now I dont feel so bad , people other than me see some strange items only the way a fly tyer could. I seem to always be checking bits of plastic and string for tying material potential.
You might want to check this thread. Hans has done a whole series of flies using the same stuff in different colors for soft hackle flies.
Check the body on this fly.
Thanks REE. It seems the stuff Hans uses is softer and easier to handle than the material I got. Mine is a stiff plastic. Nice BB tho. Registered and saved it in my favorites. Jim
hans is using some different mesh netting than that shown in the photo above.
this mesh netting cannot be used for any of hans’ flies
I’ve tried to find the produce bags here in the US, but so far, I’m out of luck. One of the guys did tie up a nice fly using plastic baling twine as a body material though. That had to be some stiff stuff to work with.
Aldi’s… fruit and veggie bags…
I have some of that stuff in bright pink…
Still haven’t figured out what to do with yet, but it’s sitting on the bench…
No Aldi’s in Washinton State. Tried Safeway and a couple others to no avail.
I think I’ve seen the softer, stringier netting Hans used. It is used for packaging oranges, onions and other fruits and veggies. Jim
Well it’s always good for an anchor sack…fill it with rocks;).
I use mine to make eyes on some of my smaller nymphs.
Now that’s something I didn’t think of. I can leave the 10 lb sledge hammer at home. Jim
A Chihuahua makes a decent anchor, It is kinda light, but makes up for it in Chum and Crawdads.
i saw the kind that hans uses at my local walmart store in a tan/yellowish color and in blue/purple color.
Hmmm…Ron… you must be shopping at the wrong places. I’ve found onion bags that have given me red material once I untied everything. I’ve also found a gold/tan/olive material in a cantaloupe bag–both from Costco here in the wet side of the state.
Dental floss in green and red is very similar.
I’m going to Aldi tomorrow so I will get some veg that has it and mail it to you. If I get enough you can start a lucrative little sideline with your buddies across there!