I would like to propose an award…“Link Finder Extraordinaire”…for this site.
To me he’s something else…how does he do it???
The nomination is…
fill in the blank:cool:
I would like to propose an award…“Link Finder Extraordinaire”…for this site.
To me he’s something else…how does he do it???
The nomination is…
fill in the blank:cool:
Duck -
DShock …
I vote for Normand.
Doug…you can’t vote:p!
Google. Google-Dougie that is.
I think Doug gets the nod here. Hey I enjoy his links too. Thank you, Doug!
I am always AMAZED !! at the knowledge that" Normand " bestows.
I think they both do a good job of “Research” on our behalf, but I think Doug has the numbers.
I would like to say that Normand and I have had some communication in the past about searching. Normand has helped me find a balance when it comes to searching for info. I’m more like Dr. House (TV Show), now. For the past few years, I have been determined to learn how to search effectively. I use Google (Web) & (Images). I really appreciate everyone’s questions, because it gives me something to search for. I have learned to focus on key topic info. If you can’t find results using the Web Search, then try the Image Search. Search words, and sentences are important. If you don’t get results, then type in a different wording. Use Author’s names, Fly names, or types of flies, and any key word you can, to get results. I will only flip through a few result pages, if I am not getting results. I will bookmark links ( I replace the site address, with a title, in the bookmark box), that way it is easy for me to ID them later. I delete them constantly to make room for more. About 5 years ago, I started learning how to search. At first I got frustrated because I didn’t have any confidence in my ability to find what I wanted. Expanding my words and using the Image Search has really helped me find results. Understanding topics is important also, because if you see the big picture, then you have a lot of potential search words. Searching is very educational to me and I hope others benefit from it too. The bonus is when I find interesting stuff that I wasn’t expecting.
General search words like “Fly Fishing”, is not as effective as search words that narrow down exactly what you are searching for. You will find many results that are from FAOL and other Forums, that have the Topic you are interested in. I love reading first person reviews. Manufacturers give you their facts about a product, but the consumer has the final word. Patience is important, when searching on the Web.
i vote for GOOGLE. it is unparalleled in finding stuff.