Link and ? about Redear

Just curious. I had heard of redear but figured that was something in the SE I would never see. Was not aware they were here in AZ. Didn’t even know what they look like. This is a surprise. Looks like an oversized bluegill on steroids to me. 4 pounds!

I understand this is only a state record…out west. How big do redear get in other parts of the country?

Man if they fight like a bluegill…I wanna go fish for some…somewhere!

ooops…edited…forgot to post the link



The Tennessee state record is 3 lb. 5.5. oz. The Kentucky state record is 3 lb. 1 oz. The Alabama state record is 4 lb. 4 oz. The world record came from Georgia, scaling 5 lb. 7 oz. Try that on a three weight!!

Yeow…yes sir…on a 3 wt…wahoooo! Guess the AZ record is not that far off the mark…excluding GA.