Is there a chart somewhere on FAOL or the web that shows min/max size leaders for lines and min/max size flies for the leaders? I find a lot of my problems come from my fly size etc. And since I ordered a couple other kits, 2 and 4 wts, I’m going to need this information.
If anyone can help me out I’d appreciate it.
i have a chart from the back of a rio leader package.
0x- #2,1/0 and so on bigger
i disagree with the 2x because its a little heavy for a # 10
and you can reverse this also because a size 8 works even better on a 4X AND SOOO ON but i use way lighter tippets than what they suggest for the hook sizes.
The chart on more closely resembles my preferences. Like Chris, I tend to use lighter tippets on my flies. BTW, I do not own any 8X tippet. 7X is the smallest I use.
WOW! I just went to the globalflyfishers site. WAAAAYYYY TOOOOOO much information about leaders for me to comprehend. “Thousands of leader formulas” was one of the statements. Just why does one need to know about the number of permutations and combinations of lengths and diameters of materials? I generally simplify the complicated and therefore MY leader consists of three or four pieces of descending( by one or two diameters) diameter mono/fluoro material , each about 3 feet long, PERIOD. Sometimes, if I mismeasure/misguess, these sections vary in length. My hair is grey enough without worrying about the “thousands” of combinations I could have used.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
i went there a while back, and all i came out of there with was frustration and stress about the leaders i build!
so i elected myself not to go there again because i really dont want another migraine! :lol:
I don’t build my own leaders. I use furled leaders. But I also don’t generally follow the size of tippet to the size of the hook used. I use the conditions and the fish to control the size of my tippet. For trout on the surface in the summer i never fish with less than 6x, even with size 8 hoppers. While nymphing i use 6x for slow water and 5x for faster water. I use 5x or 4x for streamers. In the spring I use a little heavier tippet. As you get more used to fishing and more time on the water you will better understand what to use where you are fishing. For salmon I use up to 20 lb tippet if the water is pushing really hard, but I never use less than 10lb. Some fish just aren’t leader shy, others are. Don’t fret, just keep trying different things until you find what works for you, that is most of the fun. Good luck with it.