Line for SLT

what type of fly line would everyone suggest for a sage slt rod?

I am basicaly going to use this rod for eveything from nymphing to big dryflys(hoppers & droppers rigs ) to smallmouth bass with small streamers. It dosnt seem like their is any do all tapers for meduim fast rods, if this was a fast rod I would pick up a GPX or Grand fly line and be done but I think those lines would be to heavy for the slt. What do you all think?

I used a Rio Selective Trout WF on mine and it did everything ok.

After trying a couple different line’s, I settled on the Orvis longbelly wonderline. For me it loaded the rod very well.

I am using the RIO nymph line. It feels and fishes great!

I have an SLT 590-4. I use the SA Trout. Tried the SA GPX for a while, but found for me the Trout to be better at presenting dries.

This is probably only important or of interest to a few of you. One disagreeable characteristic of fly lines is creep, or recoil. This is the amount of ‘recoiling’ it does when you cast it out perfectly straight on calm water, such as a lake or pond. The warm line, laying on the colder water will create small wiggles in itself as it creeps back to the caster. This varies from line to line, as core and coating determine this problem. It IS a problem when you want to keep a reasonably direct line to your fly after having cast it out. If the line creeps a lot you have to constantly KEEP BRINGING IT IN TO KEEP IT TIGHT. This feature is not often considered by those claiming a certain line is good or bad, but should be. Even though you may not now be fishing calm water, it can be important even on an upstream cast on a slowly moving stream. Just something to look at the next time you say, “I really like,.”

:shock: I did not know that. It’s true, you do learn something new everyday. Thanks JC. :smiley:

Thanks for the suggestions, The rain finally lifted and the epoxy on the rod is hard enought to go out and test it so I did, I tried the 6wt nymph line on it and that line loaded the rod great, then I tried out the 5wt GPX line on and it wanted to load the road but it wasnt doing the job properly.

I wonder how the nymph line would present a dry fly?

“I wonder how the nymph line would present a dry fly?”

Not well…it’s been awhile but right after I got my nymph line …I geared up with it but when I got to the river found myself in a dry fly situation…it wasn’t ideal.

I’ve been lawn casting a Dyna-tip on my SLT and like it fine but really haven’t done comparisons.

thanks thats what I thought. No big deal I was expecting to buy a new line for this rod anyway so maby Ill get the trout taper then I will have a nymph line and a dry fly line

I didn’t know that. Then again, I haven’t found anything close to slow moving water in Colorado. :shock:

I like the SA mastery trout on my SLT. The SLT being a medium action (or medium-fast) rod does better with a traditional type fly line rather than one designed for a fast action rod. Some of those lines for faster action rods (SA GPX and Rio Grand) are a half size/wt heavier. In my opinion the SLT does not need the extra wt to load it properly. Just my opinions.


I agree with Greg. I have a 490-4 SLT (best rod ever IMHO). Just began fishing the mute green version of the SA Trout and think it is fantastic.

Thanks JC I like to gain as much knowledge as possible about our great sport.