Line cleaning and dressing.

I was doing some routine( to me, anyways…) maintenance; cleaning and dressing lines, lubing reels etc. and was just wondering what is eveyone using for line dressing?? I was using a marine product - Areospace 303 UV protectant, at the suggestion of a guide I know.

I recently bought a Cortland line and dressed it with the enclosed cleaning pad. I know it’s a NEW line and all but that sucker seems like it floats above the water compared to some of my older lines.


I recently starting using Zipcast. I use it at least daily while fishing and find my line slips through the guides much better than Renew. Dotman (Jerry) has it and his website which can be found at

I use Kusse line dressing.

I also use Zipcast & swear by the stuff. Jerry is a sponsor here as well.

Zip Cast for me too!

what i have is the loon kit with a sheepskin pad that you use around the rod grip and it also has streamside, and fast cast line dressing in it!

i boutght it for 10.00 and i love it

it also stays on for a good while
works for me


Use it for the line, flies, ore locks that squeek, fly reels, hand lotion for rough hands, and the lock on the cap on my pickup truck. Great stuff. $12.00 get you a life time supply.

Good luck


SA Line Cleaner on my SA lines. As suggested by the manufacturer.

Funny how that works…and I clean them frequently, usually before every outing.


I use the same thing on my SA lines and for the same reason. The only thing I do different is clean them after every outing.

I have also used Glide with good results as well.

Zip Cast is the best cleaner\dressing I’ve used yet.