I’m new to fly fishing and have a bunch of flies that were given to me, but I have no clue what they all are…Help me out please!!!
#1 is a stonefly nymph
#3 and #5 are stimulators
#5 conehead muddler
#7 humpy
#8 beadhead soft hackle
#9, 10, 12 look like copper johns of one sort or another…
#13 looks like a caddis pupsae or emerger
#14 hares ear nymph
that’s a start. you can id some of the ones in the bottom photo from these.
Here’s a few that I think I recognize. It’s a start anyway.
- Jeff
- Kaufmann stonefly nymph (sp?)
- ?
- Stimulator
- dragon fly
- ?
- Salmon fly
- yellow humpy
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- gold ribbed hairs ear (maybe)
- pheasant tail nymph (maybe)
- blue dun
- ?
- zug bug?
- yellow serendipity
- ?
- dial bach
- ?
- green weenie
- stonefly nymph
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- white miller
- ?
- white wolfe
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
#21 is a prince nymph
Without individual pics …
8 - march brown wet
11 - PTN emerger
14 - GRHE
15 - baetis
19 - caddis emerger
18, 21 - prince nymph
22 - damsel fly
24 - rubber legged stone fly
25 - Caddis
28, 38, 43 - parachute something or other
31 - rhyacophilia emerger (caddis)
41 - CDC emerger
42 - nymph of sorts (almost looks baetis)
(and I didn’t even put my glasses on)
think we’ve confused him enough yet?
43.Parachute Adams
Ok, I’ve combined the responses over everyone so far. I’ve kept the more specific name if they appeared to describe the same thing, but when they look like different choices I put both. I still can’t see any white wing buds on either 18 or 21, otherwise I would agree that they are prince nymphs, so check your flies.
- Jeff
- Kaufmann stonefly nymph (sp?)
- ?
- Stimulator
- dragon fly
- Conehead muddler
- Salmon fly / Stimulator
- yellow humpy
- march brown wet
- copper john
- copper john
- PTN emerger
- copper john
- caddis pupae/emerger
- gold ribbed hairs ear
- pheasant tail nymph (maybe) / baetis
- blue dun
- ?
- zug bug? / prince nymph
- yellow serendipity / caddis emerger
- ?
- dial bach / prince nymph
- damsel fly
- green weenie
- stonefly nymph / rubber legged stonefly
- caddis
- ?
- ?
- parachute ??
- ?
- ?
- rhyacophilia emerger (caddis)
- ?
- ?
- white miller
- ?
- white wolfe
- ?
- parachute ??
- ?
- ?
- CDC emerger
- baetis nymph (?)
- parachute Adams
And I will use this opportunity to employ the old saying " It’s better to stay quiet and be thought ignorant than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt"
I will remain quiet and in awe at those who actually know the names of even some of these specimens.I haven’t a clue except for two or three.
39 looks like a Adams
Right on Marco!!
But Joel did a neat job. Nice post!!
I might be able to fill in some gaps here.
17 Looks like a barr’s emerger or CDC loop wing emerger.
29 Looks like a grey wulff.
30 Looks like an Irish lough style mayfly.
32-33 look like they have hair heads - maybe its just the angle the pic was taken at? But I would say these are elk hair caddis.
35 Looks like a whickham’s wet.
37 Looks like another wulff variety.
39 Looks like a greenwell’s
40 Looks like an RS2.
thanks for all of your help so far…Only a few left…I have a couple hundred more if you would like to keep playing!!!
- Kaufmann stonefly nymph (sp?)
- green foam caddis
- Stimulator
- dragon fly
- Conehead muddler
- Improved Sofa Pillow / Salmon fly
- yellow humpy
- march brown wet
- copper john
- copper john
- PTN emerger
- copper john
- caddis pupae/emerger
- gold ribbed hairs ear
- pheasant tail nymph (maybe) / baetis
- blue dun
- CDC loop wing emerger
- zug bug? / prince nymph
- yellow serendipity / caddis emerger
- sedge (caddis) pupa
- dial bach / prince nymph
- damsel fly
- green weenie
- stonefly nymph / rubber legged stonefly
- caddis
- wet sedge
- elk hair caddis
- parachute hare’s ear
- grey wulff
- Irish lough style mayfly
- rhyacophilia emerger (caddis)
- elk hair caddises
- elk hair caddises
- white miller
- whickham’s wet
- royal coachman
- white wolfe
- Parachute olive
- greenwell’s
- RS2
- CDC emerger
- baetis nymph (?)or Diawl Bach
- parachute Adams
Ok now I’m not working but instead thinking about these flies.
2 looks to be a green foam caddis with rubber legs. A very ‘western’ pattern.
20 looks like a sedge (caddis) pupa.
Because the wing on 21 is also on the top of the fly (looks like white biots) and because it looks like this fly has a biot tail, I would think it is a variety of prince nymph (maybe a Carey special) without a heavy gold rib and not a diaWl back (little devil in Welsh).
27 could be a bumble, or it might be a dry sedge. It’s really hard to see this one.
37 (not 36) is the white wulff. 36 is a royal coachman.
42 seems to be the Diawl Bach to me.
Thanks guys!!! Only a few left to fill in…here are better pics of the ones in question…
there’s a crappy parachute adams and the rest are caddis flies…
so sorry, you have much better flies than I do…
just calling it as I see it. look closely and you can see what I’m talking about. those elkhair caddis look very nice. as nice as any in my boxes.
I’m thinking # 6 would more accurately be called a …Sofa Pillow…
Ok, well that sheds some light.
The first is a ‘deer hair wing thingy.’ It looks like the hair is tied in through the body and then doubled back as a wing. So it might float, but its probably meant to be used as a wet sedge.
The second is a bog standard elk hair caddis.
The third is a poorly tied parachute hare’s ear judging from the tail and the grizzle hackle around the post. It is not an adams.
The fourth and fifth are also both standard elk hair caddises
and the last is a Parachute olive.