Can anyone tell me what kind of flie I can make out of green leather?
Can anyone tell me what kind of flie I can make out of green leather?
If it thin enough you can make green caddis larva or pupa. Try them in a size 14 to 16 with a dark dubbed head, with or without a bead, with or without soft hackle.
Take a look at John Barr’s Graphic Caddis as an example.
You could cut the leather to the shape of a twister tail (various sizes obviously), and have them trail a hook with some dubbing and a BH for the body, or a WB (Wooly Worm) body - with or without beadhead.
I use a Fiskar circular cloth cutter on a soft plastic cutting board and a metal ruler as a straight edge to cut chamois into strips as straight and narrow as I wish. You probaly could do the same with your green leather if you’d wish to make the investment in these cutting items.
Then, depending on the color and softness of your leather strips, you could use them to make caddis pupas, for example, or green inch worms, green san juan worms, leaches, maybe wholly bugger tails, or even green tails on mice ( that’d be nice!). Just some ideas off the top of my head.
This is one from the book Carp on a fly.
There’s a bass fly called the ‘leathertail’ that uses a tapered strip oftanned leather for the tail. I’ve tied a few of these up, and they are pretty effective flies for largemouth and smallies. Might be fun to have in your neck of the woods.
I got the recipe from Fly Tyer magazine years ago. Might be in their fly archives someplace.
Good Luck!