Went fishing today for the first time this season (I know, I know - what the heck have I been waiting for?)…and not only do I STILL have a leak in the left leg - but now I have a leak in the right side as well.
We’re not talking big hole leaks that I can patch with Aquaseal…these are multiple tiny holes that indicate a general breakdown in the interior lining. Again - nothing that I can put a big patch over because if seems like it’s coming in from all over.
ANY SUGGESTIONS? Is there any cure other than the trash bin?
You can try this …it has worked for me in the past…
Take some Goop…[I use marine goop]…and dilute with a solvent such as tolulene to the consistency you want so it can be “painted on” the suspicious area.
As I said it has worked for me but right now I’m fighting some leaks…I may have to put it on thicker or the waders may be past the point of no return.
You may also be suffering from wet-out which is when the DWR, (durable water resistant) coating on the outer fabric wears off and the outer fabric gets soaked leading to decreased breathability and condensation. The DWR treatment is part of the overall process that makes breathable waders work.
If you never replaced the DWR treatment on your breathables; you are missing an opportunity to get like new performance from your waders. Most if not ALL wader manufacturers recommend renewing the DWR treatment when you notice the waders no longer shed water like a duck’s back.
It is a pain to do but I can tell you; the results are fantastic. If you just got out to fish recently; I figure it may be an every 3 year proposition for you
I use Revivex made by [url=http://www.revivex.com/:58082]McNett[/url:58082]. While some wader companies have no problem with using a washing machine; others like Simms do so, you may want to call Hodgman FIRST to make sure. The process involves washing the waders by hand or in a machine, making sure to NOT use detergent that has additives like fabric softeners; applying the Revivex while the garment is WET; and then drying it completely using either a warm dryer, iron or hair dryer. Heat IS required to set the DWR.
Try it before you trash the waders; even if it isn’t your problem; it makes a HUGE difference. BTW I have a 4+ year old pair of Hodgmans hippers that are going strong.
I use goop on my old waders. It’s not pretty but it works.
You can delute goop with regular paint thinner. It takes a day or so to get it to mix, but it does
I’ve also been using the stuff in place of Softex on my saltwater flys
Hey Bamboozle I’ve never heard of Revivex - so this is a GREAT idea! I’m going to try and find some today - although I’ll probably have to order on-line…
Not to hijack a thread, but…The revivex and similiar products work on wading jackets as well. Often times a person will think the jacket is shot and spend $$$ on a new one when all they really needed to do was apply some revivex. It does work well.
While you’re at it; get some of the Revivex Synthetic Fabric Cleaner which is a concentrated detergent specifically made for washing prior to applying the Revivex DWR. It works GREAT!
I have found Revivex at most fly shops that sell Simms waders since Simms highly recommends the Revivex product line. It is also available at SOME camping supply stores. It comes in a 5 oz and 10 oz size. I would get the 10 oz size if you can find it; (or two bottles of the 5 oz) for doing a pair of waders.
I have seen the 5 oz size for anywhere from $7 a bottle to $15 :shock: so shop around.