leaders for bass and other warm water species

I was wondering if there was any certain standards for leaders for bass and such, more the length than strength.



No, there aren’t any real ‘standards’.

The leader is just a tool, like any other portion of the rig. You choose it based on how you want it to perform.


Shorter in stained to muddy water, longer in clear.

Shorter for a sinking line, longer for a floating.

Shorter in heavy cover.

You can use a floating line and long leader to get a weighted fly down to the fish (or actually, a long tippet).

A heavy butt section with a faster taper will help turn over bulky wind resistant flies.

But, what usually happens, you use what you have…

Good Luck!


I can at least tell you what works for me. I use a 7 1/2 to 9 ft leader at least 2x, maybe 1x or 0x, depending on how big the bass are where you fish. In most of the water I fish, the bass can run to 6-7 lbs. If you are fishing large flies (I mean large, like 3" long or more), then the tippet needs to be pretty strong to turn over the fly without collapsing the leader. Hope this helps.

I keep my leader selection in warm water pretty simple. I tie my own using Harry Murry’s small mouth formula that I got from LeaderCalc. They are 9 ft long and end in 2x tippet for floating line. For sinking tips and lines I use left over Trout leaders that have been cut back to about 5ft or so. I find the ones I tie turn over my flys better than any store bought ones I have tried. I am trying a Rio Bass leader on my just purchased 9wt so I’ll how that goes.


Keep em short and stout if you are going to be throwing big hairbugs/heavy flies. They turn over better and tend to deliver more accuracy. ( for hitting those little open pockets/avoiding that tree limb). Also watch your knots if your fishing vegitation. knots/protruding tag ends can pick up weeds esily.) I often coat my knots with gel super glue to avoid this.

I have gone to using a straight piece of 12-15 lb mono about 4-6 ft long.The places I fish have lots of pads and grass and bass are not leader shy.I also dont want any knots in my leader that can hang up on sticks or grass.I use this leader for my saltwater fishing too.

I have gone to using a straight piece of 12-15 lb mono about 4-6 ft long.

FWIW, I often do the same in 15-20# material in the salt as well. I’ve found berkley Big Game to have just teh “right” stiffness vs flexability and toughness for this task.

Weekooker,thats what I use also.I found some bulk spools of 10,12 and 15 for cheap money at Sports Authority.

thanks guys, good info. Let you know how it goes


i use the cabelas leaders for bass

http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templ … hasJS=true

I mainly use Straight mono line. I buy the Berkleys Vanish line. It’s flourocarbon (?) 8# for most situations and 12# for heavy weeds or grass. I use straight mono line for striper/hybrid fishing too. I use a furled leader for trout and panfish because of the smaller flys and a better presentation. Good luck, Gary