Would it be unwise to use the arbor knot for tippet to a furled leader with the loop in the leader? Arbor knot supposed to just keep getting tighter isn’t it?
Why not just an improved clinch???..that’s what I’ve been using. Never really thought about an arbor not, to tell you the truth.
I make my leaders with shorb loops on both ends and use a surgeons knot on the leader end of the tippet. I have “knot” had any problems thus far with this arrangement. It’s quick, easy and makes for fast tippet changes…
If you have a Shorb Loop in the tippet end of your furled leaders, I would recommend a Surgeons Loop or Perfection Loop. Makes it a lot eaiser to change tippet when the tippet you are using becomes too short from changing flies. If you use a knot which tightens down on the Shorb Loop, you take the chance of cutting your Shorb Loop when you attempt to cut the old tippet off. Now if you are using furled leaders with the tiny metal rings at the tippet end, you can use any knot you feel comfortable with. Cutting your old tippet off a metal ring will not damage your furled leader.
Easy surgeons knot: Basically a double overhand knot. Never have problems.
Align ends of leader and tippet, make 2 loops over both and pull tight. Easy and it works. Caught 20 inch trout and 3lb bass with it.
If you have shorb loops, try adding a 6ish inch piece of 4x or 3x tippet with loops on each end ( I use perfection loops ) to the furled leader, and add your working tippet to that. It saves wear and tear on the leader.
I’m fishing with furled leaders over two years old. I last change leaders only because I wanted a different color.
Gemrod -
I’ve never tied or used an arbor knot so I can’t really respond to the question as you raised it.
I prefer the perfection loop for that situation, probably because I use it for all loops I put in leaders ( e.g. butt end of a hand tied knotted tapered leader or mono nymphing leader ) or tippet connections.
I use an Orvis Cinch Tie Tool, also sold by Cabela’s. I use this tool to tie a Triple Improved Surgeons Knot. I use this knot for mono to mono and for mono to fluorocarbon. It works great, is quick and easy to tie and is very strong. The triple portion simply means I twist the leader and tippet around the tool three times rather than the suggested two times. It is a better knot that way especially for fluorocarbon.
Orvis has the tools on sale.
Larry —sagefisher—
I know there are a lot of ways to tie the tippet to the shorb’s loop. I think one person told me he uses the cinch knot. Another told me he uses the Eugene knot. The majority seem to go with the surgeon’s KNOT> I would have thought it would be the surgeon’s loop knot. But all the posts refer to the surgeon’s knot. Guess that is what it really means…the KNOT> Lot’s of great informationo here. Thanks to all of you who bothered to post.
Sagefisher…that tool…coool…and reg $14.95 at Orvis NOW on sale for $7.16. One can never have enough tools.
Thanks Sage and all others.