My New 8wt. Built on a Saltwater taper Tiger eye Blank.
Yep by golly I build rods. What do I do with em? In this case I’m gonna Fish it!!!
Ed -
I hope you aren’t going to beat up on those poor little spring creek trouts with that thing ??
Of course, it would look great with one of those mid 20 inch bows with a pine squirrel streamer sticking out of its mouth !!
As usual, a really great looking rod and a neat photo - the hackle really sets it off, especially that custom grip.
LOL…just read you post …no this rod’s gonna see action for bigger fish like Salmon/ steelhead, and propably a few strippers. Thanks…Ed
Strippers, huh. I’ve heard of those places. Never been to one, though. No, sir.
I do like the build. Nice work. I like the cork you did for this one with the fighting butt.
Thanks harley…3 different corks in various sizes and some craft foam…just a matter of getting a good combination. to match the seat and blank.
Let me know how it fishs for steelhead and such. That is one of the blanks I am considering for a rod for me.
Ok, Will do.
What color is the thread? Did you use nylon, and ncp to get that effect where it is a solid red stripe in the middle of the wraps?
Greg: The thread is Garnet and the Red stripe in the middle is Metallic Red. NCP was used at all. This allowed the wraps to melt into the blank and the metallic to stand out. Although not shown in the picture The signature area is bracketed with 4 turn Silver Metallic Bands to compliment the German silver winding check. The real seat insert
is Burl to match the burl in the grip and the hardware is also German silver. I used oversize stripper (#16 & 12) guides , and SS snake guides along the rods length. Although this rod is rated an 8wt. typical to most Tiger Eye blanks, it casts a 9wt. line equally as well.