Large Guinea Fowl Streamer

I wasn’t exactly sure what I was going to use the larger Guinea Fowl wing feathers for so I thought I’d try them on a large streamer tied on a size 4/0 Ahrex hook. This fly consists of four feathers and cheek pads. The material that I used for the cheek pads is called Leather Ribbon. It has a very thin leather-like material on the back with a smooth sparkly finished outer surface. I got it at Michaels for a couple of dollars on sale. It is six inches wide and 36 inches long so there’s lots of material with different sparkly colors to use. This is super light for a large four-inch streamer, and the Ahrex hook rids point up so it remains virtually weedless.

Jim Smith

Could that “cheek” material be what they call holographic paper?

I looked at another spool of it that I have with a shiny silver surface. It is called Leather Ribbon and I think it will have lots of application in different patterns that I tie.

Jim Smith

Jim that looks like a Bass catcher for sure. Very nice.


Thanks for the kind words. I plan on taking it out for a trial run tomorrow evening. I’ll post the results.
