Landing net suggestions for wading/kayak use?

I normally don’t use a landing net, unless I’m in a boat, and have hooked a large fish that I don’t want to risk trying to “swing” into the boat.
But, I’ve had a few large fish break my line at the shore lately, because there wasn’t a good place to land them, or I couldn’t reach them quickly enough. I’m also planning to get a kayak soon, and think a small landing net would be good to have there as well.

The net doesn’t have to be really big, but big enough to at least hold the front 1/2 (or more) of a decent-sized carp or catfish.
I want one small enough that it won’t be a troublesome burden to carry with me during “Lunch Outings”.
I also prefer the rubber-mesh nets, since hooks don’t tangle as easily in these, and I may on occasion use spinning gear/lures when fishing from the kayak.

Cheap is good…I’m not looking to spend $40+ for a net.

I see Bass Pro Shops has some nets in the $10-$20 range…has anybody reviewed those nets? Other suggestions?

If you want a nice net this is a great option:

If you want an inexpensive net this is a good option:

Large enough for bigger fish, handle is long enough for a float tube or kayak but also small enough to carry while wading on a trout stream for steelies or when the possibility of larger trout come up. I have used the net for carp fishing this year as well. Small enough to be convienent, big enough to be useful.

If you shop you can find this net very reasonably priced. This is a link to a retailer:


Here’s one I’d get if I didn’t already have some.

These folks have replacement nets that just zip in place on your frame,
For example I used their medium size to put one an old tennis racket …works like a charm.

They make several sizes and Feather-craft used to also have the replacement nets.

I have one of the measure nets and it is very nice to measure your catch. I would NOT get the travel net version if you wish to carry it on your back with a strong magnet. Everytime that I try to pull it off of the magnet it comes apart in two pieces when I need it the most. It’s a real pita and I have considered epoxy to remidy the problem.

The LDH net is PRICEY!

That Frabill looks just about perfect!

The measure net also looks really good, and I like how it says,“To get the measurement of your fish (paraphrased), just add the numbers at the head and tail of the fish!” Which means, if the head is at 10", and the tail is at 17"…that’s 27"…right? THAT’S a nice bluegill!!! That’s the kind of measuring net I NEED! :lol::lol:

Thanks for the suggestions!

I find using hemostats works well. YOu can leave the fish in the water and remove the hook without touching the fish…unles you are after something more than 10 lbs…then maybe some pliers would be in order.

I second (or third) the measure net. Not too expensive either, which is a plus in my mind, becuase it WILL get banged around in the boat.

I just put up a review of the replacement net bags here:
The Measure Net

I also like the measure nets…and I always replace the bag with the rubberized version.

My favorite is the extendable handle type — long handle for use in my pontoon boat, and just retract the handle for wading.


Let’s see how long it takes to ZAP this poster outta here!!..3 posts in different threads & NOTHING about ANYTHING but the shoes they’re pushing…
BYE BYE…I hope! :mad: