Lake Erie Tribs Steelhead Patterns and Self obsessed morons

There was an interesting and useful string running on ‘Fly Tying’ for a while there, until it was hijacked by some sef-centred idiots.
REE gave them plenty of warnings to PO. I wanted to have a look for any new useful posts, and was informed it no longer exists.
I hope names have been taken, and warning issued to those concerned.


The thread was pulled at the originators request because it had been hijacked.


Hhhmmmmm…if we pulled all hijacked threads…we’d be looking at blanks around here these days :roll: :roll: :roll:

You know where there site is so let em have it!!

It was my thread and I asked to have it pulled because it was hijacked by namecalling, fingerpointing, self-important, non-fishing, junk. I’m always amazed when people don’t seem to care that there are hundreds of strangers who are reading forums because they like fishing, not because they’re enjoying watching a few self-centered others throw sand at each other in their private sandbox.

Hi Jacking threads in “Sound Off” is done on a regular basis. After all it’s “Sound Off” so a thread is fair game. However there are forums such as Fly Tying, Rod building, Paddling, etc that should be off limits to posts not directly aimed at the initial question or advise.

Don’t forget the For Sale board!!


I respectfully disagree with you. SOUND OFF is not fair game for highjacking. According to the Board Index, SOUND OFF is “Gripes and Grumbles, Hurrahs and atta-boys! Give your input on products you have tried, companies you have dealt with; a place to ask about a Company or product and get input from folks who have used it. All opinions are just that, take them or leave them. NO WAR, POLITICS, RELIGION, OR FLAMING!”

I don’t believe JC or LF intended it to be a playground for the insolent. Good websites go bad when the inmates take over the asylum. FAOL has a reputation of being ladies and gentlemen. All others can go to those “other” websites where anything goes and good people stop posting and participating. Let’s not get to that point just because a few cannot control themselves.


I stand corrected! thank you my friend. I think what I ment to say is there are places here to have some fun and others where it is not.


The thread in question was in the Fly Tying forum.


Not that anyone gives a hoot…but I have stopped going to Sound Off. Too much pablum and people making wise cracks. Basically chit chat amongst members. For those not involved…looking for GOOD INFORMATION…it is not the place to go.


Thank you all, good points all around, not being very good with human interface protocals and not very PC, I have learned more here, then from all the Sergeant Majors, and Officers in the past 24 years.

Between you all and my wife I should be fit for the human race in the next century or so…

No more nasty army guy, trying to be nice, cause the army says I have to be, I might actually be nice, hope so…I kind of like it…

Thanks again…


Take it from an old retired Airborne Ranger First Sergeant, being nice ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. Every now and then I really crave slipping back into my old Drill Sergeant persona, eating a raw onion and clove of garlic, then gettting in someones face and yelling my fool head off. Man, I miss the good old days.



I know I know, It feels good telling somebody that they are a fool and have them nod their head and agree with you, for me it was learned behaviour, that way when I did yell they, all listened, I did not have to do it often, I always like getting sorted out by SSM’s that could do it and not swear, but twist the words around and make me learn, and only after they walked away did I figure out that they just told me I was a goof or fool for not doing it their way first anyway… Do you know what I mean?

Percious few of them around in the army now…

But I know what you mean, I have to fight that craving alot. :lol:

I make no apologies for my part, except maybe that I should have started another thread instead of derailing one.

If you guys have no problem with someone crapping on your dinner plate and then feeding you from it while telling you it’s filet mignon, so be it. Just like baseball, there’s no more team loyalty. FAOL probably serves a different function for each of us and that is perfectly fine, but don’t slam this site in a public forum and then expect people in the know here to put up with it. The strength of this site lies mostly in the generosity and integrity of its members and less in their individual talents…at least that’s how I have come to know FAOL over the past 2 years plus. Pretty self-important, huh.


Donald, REE, and anybody else who was offended,

I am one of the “Self obsessed morons” and “self-centred idiots” who hijacks the posts. I missed the warnings to PO (I presume p1$$ off ?). I apologize for that. A single PM to me would have stopped my hijack. I apologize for having offended you (Donald and REE) and the person who started the thread that we hijacked. I shall try to do less of that in the future. If the Sound Off forum remains as it is now, I shall try to keep my OT posting confined to within its cyber walls. I am glad that the thread re-surfaced to help those who were interested. And no, my feelings aren’t hurt. As I told DShock a few minutes ago, I traded my feelings for Y chromosomes. Feel free to hurl abuse at me because it really doesn’t tend to bother me. I aggravated one of my former supervisors by telling him that he was a rookie and that I could grow butt faster than he could chew it off. (Feel free to have fun with that line as well.) I AM sorry that I upset you and made you angry and unhappy. I hope that all ruffled feathers are smoothed and that we can return to peace and friendship, even if “merely” of the on-line variety, as soon as we can.

Also, as a note, I was issued no warning. If any of the moderators feel that it would be appropriate, then feel free to do so. Please note that when I log off I shall be away until Thursday.

Again, apologies and warm regards to all on the board including the lurkers.

Ed Dillon (EdD)

To be quite honest Ed, it was not you I avoided naming in my post.
What irritated me was a very personal and nasty feud that was being carried on in the middle of the string.
Humorous or serious, and polite, comments are to be expected.
A little comedy etc hijacking is no problem.
I can honestly say, you have never acted as anything but a gentleman.
I don’t want to ‘name names’ as I think the individual(s) know quite well who they are,
if they don’t, enough said.

Donald, you’re not helping the cause by ambiguously flaming here. Or do you mean something else by “self-obsessed morons”?

If your not a Self Obsessed Moron, then you don’t have to be defensive! You are better at Flaming than Donald, also.
Doug :smiley:

Thanks Doug, I could not have put it better myself.

MrFTG, You seem determined to have an argument, or should I say quarrel, with somebody.
Maybe you are trying to justify your pseudonym, but I’ll say no more about that.

As a matter of fact, this, as far as I am concerned, is the end of this string.