Ladyfisher and Wonder Bread

I see that brand on the Fareway shelves every time I walk in the store. I can send you some if you like :slight_smile:


We still have wonder bread here. :lol:

Lady Fisher I am sorry to see you do not have wonder bread there. One of the major bakeries that makes wonder bread is right down the road in seattle. Wonder bread was actually bought out in 2000 by intercontinental bakeries. I worked for them until 2003 when they closed their doors here. Intercontinental bakeries is Eddy’s bread. We still produced wonder bread at that time. Here is the difference in Wonder Bread and Eddies Bread NOTHING. Same formula, same batch of dough, same proof, same bake, same slice, bag is even the same thinckness as the wonder bread bags.

That being said what you might do is contact not the manager of the store, but the receiving clerk. Tell him when the eddy’s bread delivery man comes in that you would like x amount of loaves of wonder bread. I say not the manager because 99% of the time he will never see the delivery guys and he will forget. The receiving clerk sees the guys every day.

If that does not work for you let me know and I will contact some of my contacts still with the company and see if it is possible to get the kind you are asking for. Sometimes if people don’t buy a particular kind they will discontinue it due to the cost of bags. The bags cost on average .47 a piece. Funny how the bag costs more then the bread itself.

Also in Oregon there is a major bakery that does wholesale bread and I have found the bread to have a better texture and not so much of the bad additives in it. Just as soft and toasts up really nice. Just can’t remember the name of the bakery but will find out if you are interested in their brand. I found it to be better then the wonder or eddy’s. Hope this helps

It seems that two west coast plants are closed. One is located in Washington. Maybe the one yours came from. [url=]Interstate Bakeries Gets Approval to Sell 2 West Coast Plants[/url:e83f0] :frowning:

I must agree that tomato/mayo sandwiches are never better than when made with Wonder Bread.

Wonder Bread, Holsum Bread, Silvercup, Butternut were breads of my youth. It is nice to occasionally see them on store shelves in other parts of the country. Sometimes renamed but still in the original logo’d color bags. Apparently someone in a very expensive suit and from a lofty office decided that it was time to move along.I have heard the logic behind such decisions however. If a particular brand does not command a certain percentage market share in an area, it doesn’t pay for them to maintain production and distribution facilities in that area. They just pick up and move to less competitive markets. Speaking of changing names, here in Illinois we have the UTMOST travesty. Our venerable Marshall Field & Company stores name has been changed to macy’s. WHO, other than New York fans, thought THAT was a good idea??


I think you forgot the BACON! :frowning:
Our Meier and Frank Stores changed to Macy’s also.

The bakery in washington they are selling is one of the old bakeries. The reason they are cutting these out is they are going to SUPER BAKERIES. Here is how a super bakery works. WE had 120 employees, ran a bread line and a bun line. The super bakeries run a bread and bun lin also but produce twice as much product. They have 5 employees. They are closing shops and going just to the super bakeries all over the US. There is still a super bakery in seatle. When they close a bakery they make sure the are it served is still covered. They are going the way of several major companies as LF said. To bad it was the best thing that happened to me when they closed the doors here though I have to say that. Haven’t been happier. Lost a lot of money though. I was making $18.05 a hour as a lead man, and working a lot of days 12-20 hours. Making halve that now and getting time off to enjoy life how much better does it get yea

The heck with the Wonder Bread where’s all the TWINKIES!!! It’s a staple when wade fishing.


lol, I read the article also. After reading this thread this am I turned off the puter and saw we had wonder bread on the counter. Then on the way to work, I saw a wonder bread truck pulling out of a shopping center parking lot. Funny how we don’t pay much attention to something until it’s gone…:slight_smile:


We still have Wonder Bread here in AZ but I don’t know for how long. LF put it exactly how it is “The importance of leadership”.

I worked as a route salesman for them for five years from 1995 to 2000. I had 28 years experience as a route salesman so I knew what was needed to sell bread. I took my route from the lowest producing route to the highest in the branch until management declared I must do things their way. My sales dropped 37%. I was a computer geek without a degree so I had the spreadsheets with the numbers to prove their lack of leadership. Yet they insisted I lose sales. I can’t describe the frustration of the time. The post office has nothing over this company - I came real close to making the news! :x

Instead it forced me to return to school after 30 years. Took me two years to graduate with my degree and get a job doing what I like. :smiley:

I have to admit they actually did me a great deal of good that I should appreciate. But they are in a serious downward spiral they will never recover from. :frowning: Just my opinion.

I am facinated with this string. Tks LF for your great insight on stuff I never see. Great job love. :smiley:

You and I had similiar experiences. I grew up with my Grandfather and Father working for their employers for more than 30 yrs each. I made it 27 yrs before it fell apart.
Even though I was a employee, I pretended I was in charge of my job. The reality is if your not the Pres. of your company, you are not in charge of anything.
The companies that are really successful, listen to their employees and care about them.
I’m happy for you that you found a better life. I had a chip on my shoulder for many yrs toward my employer, but I had to learn to knock that off and be happy.
If your lucky enough to work for a supportive employer, DON’T take that for granted!
Doug :smiley:

Between our house, and K&K Flyfishers, is a Wonder Bread Bakery. Big old red, yellow, and blue balloons on the front of the bakery … and the most incredible odor of baking bread waifting through the air as you drive by. If you take a really deep breath, I swear you can put on 5 pounds just driving by!! Want me to package up a load and ship it to Washington?

I, too, grew up on Wonder Bread. But I hate it. I grew up on it because it was the cheapest bread in the store. We had a good family friend who worked for ITT Intercontinental Bakers in KC. They made Wonder and Hostess products. And HE convinced my mother to quit buying it because of all the crap he was putting in the products. Maybe he was one of those bad managers with poor leadership. He sure wasn’t doing his company any good among his family, friends, and acquaintances. For nationwide namebrand manufactured bread nowadays, we tend to buy Earthgrains products. We still have Wonder Bread around here, too.

But it is interesting how wildly successful brand names come and go. On another forum, I recently started a thread about the little cartoon characters who used to sell us cereal. Someone brought up Quisp. Remember Quisp? In the 70s, Chex and Life were hugely popular cereals. They’re hard to find around here nowadays. I remember when all the bass fishermen in East Texas wouldn’t be caught DEAD on the lake without Creme Scoundrel grape 8" nightcrawlers. That was THE rubber worm for Texas rigging and catching bass off the bottom. It looked like a real nightcrawler…except for that whole slightly translucent purple thing. Today, they’re hard to find in a sporting goods store, hunting/fishing department at Wal-Mart, or even in a specialty fishing store…even in East Texas where the Creme company is (or was) located. I caught buku bass on that rubber worm over the years! I’ve never used another Texas rigged worm that worked as well. Slug-O’s are the only other soft plastic worm I’ve ever used that was as good. But that’s a totally different lure for a totally different technique. So WHY did the Creme Scoundrel fall into disfavor? Where did they go? It’s a mystery to me. But I suspect it had more to do with business management than it had to do with catching fish.

I grew up with Wonder Bread on our counters as well. I think my Mom still gets it upon making a trip to the commissary, but once a month or longer. When she is there she stocks up…not carried away, mind you…just stocks the freezer shelf or door…Here in NorthEast PA…I have yet to see the Wonder Bread, but we have Sunbeam and Holsum.