Kudos to Kathy Scott!!

Kathy - Just finished both of your books and wanted to put a post up here for everyone to see. They were great! Thoroughly enjoyed them both, though I must admit, I have a ways to go before I will start enjoying winter! :slight_smile: But you have given me a lot to think about. Hopefully this is not the last writing endeavor that we will be seeing from you? I go to church with Mike Miling, so I am keeping an eye out for him to get him to sign the book. Hope to run into you, David, and Kodiak sometime and shake your hands and paw, and get your signitures as well. Maybe at Grayrock this year (I am just starting to build my first cane rod, so I might try to make it there this year)?

Anyone who love the outdoors, good friends, and bamboo fly rods, owes it to themselves to read Kathy’s works. I cannot recommend them enough, “Moose in the Water, Bamboo on the Bench” and “Headwaters Fall as Snow” from Alder Creek Publishing.

wow - what a wonderful post! Thank you. I’m so glad you enjoyed the books, and best of luck with that rod!

We’ll make Grayrock IF we’re not teaching cane rodmaking at the Catskills Museum at the same time. We haven’t heard from the Director if the class is a go, but its our first priority; we love helping out the museum, such a neat place. If not Grayling or the Fish-in, we’ll make it to Michigan eventually, and hope our paths can cross.

As for the third book, I’m just now finishing the last edit on the manuscript. It’s working title is “Changing Planes” :wink:

Hi to Mike Miling,

I’ll pack the books to both events, just in case Kathy. Count me in for a first printing of the next one when it comes out. I am sure it will do well. Will pass along the “hello” to Mike the next time I see him.


I’ve got a standing order for Kat’s books at Alder…I trust that’s where it’s coming from!
wonderful stuff, that.