Any places I can find the old style felt only or stealth soles?

K&K Flyfishers in Overland Park, KS had them, still has some. Call or e-mail Kevin or Kathy, and tell them I sent you … if they don’t have them in your size in stock, they would probably order them for you (if you ask really nice!!). Or tell me what you want, and I’ll hit 'em up for you!

One of the saddest things that I have ever read on-line was when Betty referred to her husband…



:shock: LOL!! Which time?!? :roll:

Contact the Korker Company… they have great customer service.

"One of the saddest things that I have ever read on-line was when Betty referred to her husband… "

What in the world is that about?!? I met them both at the Grayling Fish-In and they both seemed like wonderful people to me! Yes, BOTH! I hope this is just a joke that I’m not getting.

Best wishes to all, especially to the Hiners.


:smiley: Hey Bill,
I think what he is referring to is that Betty is “Taken” and not availiable. If I’m wrong I am sure someone will correct me.
And You is right Betty and Cary is “Good Folks”.

:roll: Nothing like pirating a thread!! LOL!! You guys are a total hoot!! We’re BOTH just fine. It’s been a really rough week for me, with more to come, so this thread has been a most welcome break. Sincerely, I love you all.

OOPS! Guess I bollixed that up pretty well. Sorry. Thanks to both Betty and Bill for setting me straight. Shoulda known bad stuff just doesn’t happen here.

A happy and blessed New Year to all.


Littlebrook, I guess that it was my fault for posting and then being gone for a couple of days. Yes, I was referring to Betty no longer being available as the reason for sadness. I was trying to pay her a compliment. I have never met either her or her husband face to face. I am fond of Betty because of my perceptions of her (a sweetheart of a person) from this forum. I wish her and her husband all of the best and I have no desire to come between them. I hope that I didn’t make Cary jealous, although being married to a woman like Betty, he certainly has a lot to be jealous of. <Note: That is intended as another compliment to Betty, no less for being true.>

Sorry for any confusion,

LLBean sells a lot of their wading shoes with Stealth soles. I just bought a pair of waste waders and bought the Stealth soles to go with them. They have serious grip.

Later, RW

i think i’ll just respond to the orignal post :shock: try the ebay store, there are a lot of the old style available.

http://sporting-goods.search.ebay.com/k … QsacatZ382

I simply blew it.Sorry 'bout dat.

I’m married to a Saint, Just like Cary! We’re both very blessed.
