Thanks, I know many of you will be ‘all over this.’ See you in Grayling in July.
We are long time members of the ‘Anglers’ and I trust one of you will write this up. Perhaps Dan Alstodt.
Just out of curiosity, anyone ever seen any MDEQ position statements on this in the press? All I have seen is the Anglers side. Please don’t interpret this as a negative. I am also a member of Anglers. I just like to hear both sides of an argument. Discussions such as these tend to become quite emotional and it is helpful to have all the facts.
I sent Rick Henderson - DEQ a similar note. Seems like the DEQ, since they have billions of scientists and such and since they are paid by us to do the right thing, would at least make their case known.
This will probably open up a whole can of worms but that is what a BB is for, right?
Bob, I too, would be interested in seeing a position statement from the DEQ. Basically what happened was Merit Energy asked for permission, DEQ said ok. Once the word got out on the disposal system approved, it became known that the local landowners hadn’t been notified or polled, the local governmental bodies hadn’t been notified, local conservation groups hadn’t been notified, and the fisheries division of the DNR had been ignored. After some public outcry, the DEQ hosted an “informational” meeting at the proposed Kolke Creek dumping site. It was one of the most interesting meetings I ever attended. After opening remarks from a DEQ official (in which he said expense to Merit hadn’t been a factor in deciding to grant their dumping proposal and in which he couldn’t correctly pronounce the toxins involved), he asked for questions. The prevailing questions and attitudes from those in attendance were obviously in complete opposition to the issuance of the permit. Interestingly enough, when I asked what the prime reason the permit was issued under instead of insisting on another method of disposal, the answer was “expense involved”. It’s pretty obvious that the DEQ had no idea the dissention the decision would bring. And now, months later, hundreds of thousands of dollars have been spent by the Anglers of the Au Sable (money we would have loved to spend in habitat) and the poor people with the poisoned wells still have no relief in sight.
Wakeley Bridge - what a cool handle - I love that spot
So it’s DEQ who is guilty of not keeping the public informed. I will pursue this with them - actually already in process. DEQ is who we - the public - pays to watch our environment. If they are not doing this, we need to know who and why. There may, in fact, be a reason for their decision. I really wouldn’t understand why anyone at the DEQ would get up in the morning - go look themselves in the mirror - and say “I am going to go poison the environment and screw up two major river systems on purpose.” I’ll try to get a better answer from them it I can. I may be no more successful than Anglers but then - they don’t know me yet. Maybe I can get in the backdoor. There is a way to prevent this sort of thing from happening. You can see my opinion on under position papers. If you are not for hunting for middle ground on these matters, best not read them - it would only make you madder.
Bob Bolton