Knee replacement progress

Hi Folks,

As promised, here is a follow up on my progress since
having a total knee replacement on 27 October. I am
happy to report that my theropist tells me I am way
ahead of most in my recovery.G The staples came
out over a week ago. I quickly moved from the walker
to a cane and have now retired the cane only three
weeks after the operation. I am faithfully doing all
of the prescibed exercises with excellent results
to date. The strength is steadily returning and I am
able to get out and enjoy the pleasant weather of late with the wife on some daily outdoor walks. I
have also been able to reduce the pain meds by
probably 2/3 since surgury and should soon be off of
them entirely. I am already walking without a limp
which I could not do prior to the surgury.G So
life is pretty good in SC and prespects for a great
spring/summer is really looking promising.G After
sitting out this past summer, that is indeed a good
thing.G Thanks again for all of the emails and notes. Warm regards, Jim

Good on ya Jim. :smiley:

Hey Jim,
Good to hear your post surgical recovery is favorably. Here’s hoping it continues that way till the marathon races :slight_smile:


Great news, Jim! Keep up the strength conditioning or whatever the doctor has you doing and you’ll be chasing Shellcrackers in no time :). Thanks for the update.

Great news, Jim! Those redears better watch out!


Great news, indeed!


Good news. Is your wife as happpy as your are?:slight_smile:


That’s GREAT news!
I’m sure you will have a super Thanksgiving.

Hi Rick,

I guarantee she’s happy with the progress as she is
responsible for much of it. She’s taking excellent
care of me and coaching my exercise program.G
Warm Regards, Jim


That’s certainly wonderful news. I think you are going to be amazed as the healing process continues. My father had a knee replacement several years ago; he still talks about how he can play golf and not feel like his his knee is starting to go out for the first time in forty years. Yes, my Dad is a golfer. :roll: I’ve tried to change him. I’ve pleaded. I’ve cried. I’ve talked about the family reputation. Every Saturday, out he goes with gasp, the clubs. 8T :smiley:

Good for you Jim! :smiley:
It’s nice to get the good news!
Your a inspiration for us!
Doug :smiley:

It won’t be long before you won’t even think of your knee as anything but normal. Congratulations! You done good. Now, I need to screw up my courage and go get my left one done, while there’s still time to recover before Spring.

Jim, I’m glad that you are doing well. I hear that shellcrackers in your area are trembling in the beds.


Jim, congratulation on your progress! You certainly deserve it. I am pleased to see you doing so well since I had a friend undergo the same surgery and it took him several months to get to the point you are at now. I hope all is well and you will be stretching lines before too long at all.
