Anyone know where to get them? I have searched on the Internet, checked one of my local shop Dan Baileys, Blue Ribbon Flies website, Feathercraft’s WebSite an Kauffman’s website.
I need the wider 1/2 inch or so strips (or complete hides that I can cut myself) instead of these wimpy 1/4 inch “Magnums” that I only can find. I need this for the Monster Trout swap that I joined (and for next season) and these 1/4 inchers are barely cutting it. I like to use a leather punch on the bottom rabbit strip and my smallest diameter rarely works - these little strips leave no room for error (they are usually cut uneven).
Colors needed are white, brown, grizzly/gray, yellow, and olive.
Aftershaft, I have a place I buy whole tanned skins from locally 5.00 for two skins and they are licensed fur dealers.If you don’t solve your quandry here and I will send you their site/email addresses.They also carry bags of mixed fur trimmings for around 5.00 that contain some really useful furs {fox coyote black bear beaver mink
muskrat etc.} I would send it now but I can’t find their card so I will stop and pick up another this afternoon.If you decide to buy from them I can stop by and pick your skins for you. I drive past their shop a couple of times a day.
Thanks everyone! I was able to find a white rabbit skin in a box that I totally forgot about and my local fly shop does have a whole skin in yellow and also natural.
And, I just found out that cutting rabbit strips with our paper cutter ticks off my wife It does work great and I guess I will have to get one just for fly tying!
Aftershaft, It’s probably even easier to cut the strips with a razor blade as long as you keep the skin suspended and taut…this way doesn’t cut as much hair…
Yeah it was a mess and I got the “you’d better not dull the blade” threat. It does work fast and good and straight. I guess I will go back to a ruler and razor blade.
Sorry to beat this to death but IMHO if the hide is laid flat on a surface to stabilize it and you lay something like a ruler and push down you are going to cut too many hairs even though they are on the other side…so suspending the hide works…that can be done a number of ways…push pins, nails etc…I use a vise and pull taut with one hand and cut with the blade with the other…
OK, Norm…I’m not a high volume tyer so I’ve gotten so I just cut a single strip whatever width I want lengthwise…or crosscut… on a whole skin whenever I need one…I’ve got some new skins [natural] I haven’t tried yet so I’ll do some multiple strips…give me a little time…
BTW…a craft store we have called Craft Warehouse has skins by Tandy leather that are reasonable and various natural rabbit colors…not dyed
Also double edge blades are sharper to use and does make just a little difference…
Mr. Blur. I guess I most certainly will. I have no idea what a “rattlesnake” fly is and am most interested in seeing it!
Watch out for the Double-Bunny though! I am debating wheather to put the traditional and additional stinger (trailing) hook in it because I am afraid someone just might prick themself because they don’t expect it (I would send them out with the barbs pinched down anyway).