Kitchen Fragrance

I live alone ten miles from town and don’t know how to cook. Not whining about that. Just haven’t learned to cook much. Bought some frozen Cinnamon Rolls from Wal Mart.

Man you ought to smell the aroma in my kitchen while they are in the oven! Wahoooo! I haven’t smelled that home cooking aroma in sooooo long a time.

ooooooh…can’t wait to pour that cup of coffee.


Gemrod. The wife’s been unable to cook now for several months. Here is a link to our salvation.


Thanks Tim. A good site.

Another great recipe site is:

Fantastic selection of goodies to cook:grin:

Larry :slight_smile: —sagefisher----

I love to cook & have visited a lot of sites, but here is (IMHO) the BEST! Most recipes are simple & ingredients readily available. Their cookbooks are great too…

If you like to try baking you should browse this website

My American girlfriend directed me to this wonderful pumpkin pie recipe I had not tasted pumpkin pie before and let alone made it but it tasted heavenly and if I can do it so can you.

Tim, Mike, Larry, Thor…anyone else I might have missed…thanks loads for the information provided. Gonna print the thread to have the info for keeps.

One can eventually get pretty tired of store bought food and store bought quick food. One starts yearning for some plain old home cooked food.

We used to subscribe to Taste of Home and they are great. Subscribed to cooking for two a a bit. But…found out I can just make up a regular batch of something…freeze the leftovers for another meal. Just haven’t progressed much yet. I like the 15 bean soup product from the Mexican or Latino aisle of Wal-Mart. I leave out the meat. Great for a crock pot batch. Put the leftovers in tupperware with lids. A full one like the deli meats come in are just right foa a meal for me…with crackers. Just nuke it. I think after making a batch and eating…I still have 4-5 meals to freeze up!

Thanks everybody.

gotta try that pumpkin pie…my daughter’s is too spicy and doesn’t come out the old fashioned way. I just don’t tell her about it cause her and her hubby think it is great. But I prefer the old fashioned pumpkin pie. I only have to eat in once a year…on Thanksgiving. Glad I have a place to go for that holiday.

When left to my own devices, my meals generally consist of chips & dip…crackers & cheese…cans of sardines or soup. :stuck_out_tongue:
When I go fishing during my lunch hours, my meals are usually a “meal replacement shake” and a can of V8!
Yep…no doubt about it. I am one LAZY son-of-a-gun! Laziness is the mother (or father) of invention!

Nothing comes close to the fragrance of yeast rolls or bread baking in the kitchen.

If there was anything in contention for the prize, it would be driving I35 just outside Olathe, going past the Hostess bakery, with the wind in the right direction. The incredible odor of fresh baked Wonder bread coming in the car windows is almost more than I can stand! A guy can gain 10 pounds just smelling it!:stuck_out_tongue:

I gained 10 pounds looking at and printing Joe’s fresh baked buns and bread pictures and their instructions. Gawd could you imagine what they must have smelled like! Talk about light up a kitchen.

FshnDave…that is part of my problem. TB and heart trouble. Tired butt and haven’t got the heart to move it. I better start moving it though. Don’t know why…but my weight is ballooning. Guess it’s what I eat now and how much of it that counts.

How about the good old All American meat and potatoes dinner? Hot dogs, potatoe chips and a cold beer.


Betty said the magic word! Wonder Bread! Darm.


Might I suggest that you go to the FAOL Home page and in the menu click on “Features” and scan down to “What’s Cookin” and at the bottom of that page is “Previous What’s Cookin” and you will find all kinds of recipes for all kinds of food and it all looks good!! :wink:

If you had a Costco Wholesale Warehouse near you , you wouldn’t need to cook. You could subsist entirely on their great $1.50 incl. drink hotdogs . If you factor in the price, 10 miles ain’t that far.


I love ya, but Wonder Bread makes LOUSY toast!..Great bologna & mayo sandwiches, but REAL lousy toast. :rolleyes:

Thanks to everyone who posted those great recipe web-sites. I bookmarked each and everyone them. With God as my witness, I shall never be hungry again! 8T :slight_smile:

The more unprocessed food you can eat the better off you are. I know from experience. Lived the widowed live fo 9 yrs and ate out of boxes and bags. Onset of sugar problems with weight gain.
Good luck and God bless.

Nearest Costco is 3.5 hours away. I have never made that roundtrip in 8 hours. I am wearing out the Bedder Cheddar dogs from Wal-Mart.

Kevin D.
Interesting point. So much easier to do a tv dinner or frozen pizza. I buy the large everthing on it from a bar that makes a darn good pizza. Then just freeze it. Easy food when hungry if you have a micro-wave. But interesting…in the past year my weight has been ballooning. Don’t know why. Maybe a combination of things…not just one thing. Interesting though about boxed and bagged food. I’m on an austerity plan financially. I guess I need to get on a plan for weight loss. Think it is more of WHAT I eat than how much. I weigh more now than in my entire life…and it didn’t start going up till last year. Seems to just add more as the year goes along. Hmmm…boxed, bagged, and canned foood…


I know how quickly TB can put on pounds. We can all preach to you about getting off the processed food and getting regular exercise, but ultimately it will be up to you to decide that you want a different (and hopefully longer & healthier) lifestyle. It appears to be cheaper to eat that crap from the Dollar Menu at McDonalds and Burger Rat, but it’s the worst thing you can eat. I like to refer to that stuff as mystery meat because of how much animal scraps (hair, hooves, organ pieces-parts, etc) are allowed in the ‘meat.’ Sure sounds good, doesn’t it? How about all those preservatives that you can’t pronounce? Ain’t they tasty too?

The cooking sites can teach you to cook very nutritious meals that the leftovers can be frozen for another day. Portion control is a necessity, and this is where you need to discipline yourself to not eat enough for two people just because it tastes so good (I know all about disciple, because my wife enforces it):p.

Do check out the What’s Cooking pages for some really tasty meal ideas that are pretty simple to make.

Good Luck, and don’t hesitate to call on us if you need help. God knows we have the answers to everything.:stuck_out_tongue:


Did you know that if you roll wonder bread tightly into a ball and drop it on the floor, that it will actually bounce? :shock:

Thanks Joe. I stand correctified. Really…I hear you loud and clear. I cannot afford to heat my house up here in the winter. I am putting in a heating stove. For the cost of the difference in code requirements and thus the triple walled stove pipe…etc…it’s close to a pellet stove…which is no work at all and the next cheapest thing to wood. But I opted for a wood stove. I have to go into the woods, find, cut, load, drive home. Unload, cut to length’s, split, haul into house…haul out the ashes…I opted for a wood stove. I know I need the work and I can cook on top of it.

Good words Joe and you are right.
