October 14, 2021, 7:02pm
Found it [b]here[/b] . Notional tying sequence but a Hairwing Dun is a Hairwing Dun; even with the lip, only so many ways to skin the cat.
hook - Maruto 7989 #10
thread - UTC 140 burnt orange
tail - Congo Hair brown
body - dubbing rusty orange
hackle - grizzly dyed burnt orange
wing - deer hair
lip - 2mm foam brown
Part 1
Cut a piece of foam (gap width) into a wedge shape
Mash barb, start thread on return wire
Brush on a little Super Glue and tie in foam about 2 eye widths back, facing out over the eye; trim butt
Tie in some CH, fold and wrap to point above point; trim
Dub thread/ dub body to base of lip
Tie in hackle
October 14, 2021, 7:02pm
Part 2
Take a few turns back, then wrap back thru; tie off/trim
Clean, stack, measure (tips to bend) a clump of deer hair; trim to length, tie on at base of lip with 2 soft loops (with flat thread like UTC, it helps to spin the bobbin clockwise and tighten up the thread for a better grip), pinch hard on top and pull tight
Whip finish, SHHAN
October 15, 2021, 8:06pm
King’s Hairwing Dun Skater (variation)
First one looked a bit static so I decided to liven things up a little.
hook - Maruto 7989 #10
thread - UTC 140 burnt orange
tail - pheasant tail
shuck/rib- FTD Northern Lights copper/black
abdomen - dubbing rusty orange
hackle (tip tied) - grizzly dyed orange (1 Tbs Rit Sunshine Orange/ 1 cup water)
thorax - Ice Dub hot orange
wing - deer hair
lip - 2mm foam brown