kindle app on smartphone question

i have the kindle app on my droidx smartphone and would like to know before i purchase a book that if the book has color pictures will they be transferred to my phone or will the pictures be black & white.

i’m looking at buying fish flies by terry helleckson



You can probably get an answer on one of the boards here:

My thought on the subject question is : Is a smartphone screen size REALLY where you want to display and read a book?? Much less view detailed tying pictorials?. I’d buy and did ( for my wife ) a larger format Kindle and that’s all black and white.


Have you tried to download a free sample?

yes i downloaded a free sample.

Mark, I have the NOOK on my DroidX, it is easier to read with my NOOK, but you’d be surprised how nice it is in the DroidX. It really does work surprisingly well. I am not sure what the pictures would look like with Kindle though - don’t use it. The NOOK does come out with a color reader but the price is a little higher and I prefer my background on the Black & White model of my NOOK.

The Nook color ereader is really heavy. Kind of defeats the purpose of having an ereader. I just bought a book on birding. Because I wanted to see the color illustrations, I bought the paperback version rather than the digital.


must be the 16,000,000 colors that make it heavier that black & white! :D:D

So whats the word, Normand? Color pics?

black & white :sad: