Kids beginner outfit

My son who is now 9 has been tying flies for about 6 months. It started as an excersise for his ADD and now he wants his own fly rod and reel so he can go fishing with Dad. Who am I to say no?

Can anyone suggest a beginner’s outfit for him? I would like to keep it below $100 for rod reel line and case


Cabela’s “Three Forks” combos are great outfits rod reel line backing and leader for $79. They also have “Redington” combos for $99. I use the Three Forks combos for my children classes. BILL

St. Croix’s beginner’s set up is pretty darn good.
An Oregonian


I see you’re from the Jersey Shore so is this for SW or FW FF?

In addition to Bill’s suggestion you may also want to check out LL Bean Quest rod outfits. I haven’t used one, but have heard good things, and Bean has an excellent return/replacement policy in the event he plays light saber with it.

They have a bunch for $99 (2 piece) and $119 (4 piece) for FW in 3-6 wights, including an 8’ 6" 5 weight (in case a 9’ might be a little long for him).

And, they also have some 9 foot 8 and 9 weights going for a bit more, $119 and $139 for 2 and 4 piece.

Includes rod, reel backing, line and tube.

Good luck, and congrats on your new fishing buddy.


Global Dorber sells outfits. And they are a sponsor.

7 years ago, I bought my son the First Cast Outfit from LL Beans. He was 9 at the time also.

Don’t know if they still sell it, but we still use the rod, reel and line.

Nice 7’ 5wt.

Quest 11 outfits are available at LL BEAN for $99 3 weight thru 7. They also have a Angler Fly Rod Outfit listed for $75 5 and 6 wt only. None are listed as First Cast any more in the catalog . BILL

The “First Cast” outfit has been replaced by the Angler Fly Rod Outfit. While not specifically a child’s rod they do have a 7’ 5wt. which would appropriate for a child. I think the $75 price tag might be a tad high, but that is for each of us to decide.

Right now I’m trying to find a rod/reel combo appropriate for my 3 yo daughter so she’ll be less inclined to want to use my rods! :wink:


Antoher vote for the Quest II from LLBean!


I’m with Bill on this. You won’t go wrong with the Three Forks Combo from Cabela’s.


Buy the cheapest BALANCED outfit that you can and spend more on good secure footwear. Thanks for recognizing the importance of taking a kid fishing. After he does this for awhile maybe you can entice him to wrap his own rod (for the ADD). Remember to take your Vitamin P (P for Patience). Good job and good luck. RR

Check out the new Scientific Anglers Youth outfit. You will find them for just under $100. Contains 4pc 5/6 wt rod, pre loaded reel with Air Cel line, leader, fly box, a couple of panfish flies, and an instructional DVD.

After considering all that has been said I have decided to go with the outfit from cabela’s. Thank you all for your input. See you on the river

I just saw the Scientific anglers ready to fish kit from Wal mart for about $80 perform very well at the Michigan fish-in. A decent rod and line with an adquate reel and backing.