kglissmeyer is how old?

OK, Kelly, I don’t really want to know your age. I just want to wish you a happy birthday today. I hope you have a grand day. We’re looking forward to our trip to Idaho in a few weeks. Jim

Happy Birthday!

Have a good one Kelly, and many more.

You’re not suggesting he saw the west before the Rocky Mountains were there??

Happy B-Day Kelly and for the record, we will be at the H for the 4th thru Wed.

Happy Birthday Kelly

Happy Birthday Kelly!


Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Kelly. Hope it’s a great one.


Happy Birthday Kelly.

Happy day KG!!!

Let’s celebtrate, you post a new trip report and we’ll cheer. :mrgreen:

Happy Birthday, Kelly!

Happy Birthday!
Welcome to 21.


happy birthday and i hope many more.

Happy Birthday!

  • Jeff

Happy Birthday friend!!

Hope the hip is doing well?


Hope you had a great day!


Happy Birthday Kelly. I just had one of thoes pesky things myself.
All the best my friend.


How could you think such a thing Betty? He’s not (quite) that old. He did however, help me haul in the dirt in which they planted all the sagebrush hereabouts. Happy belated birthday Kelly!! What’s the latest with the hip?

Thanks, everyone. First day back on the computer. I can’t believe how much good water passes under the bridge when you’re out of it for a while. All of your well wishes are appreciated along with the birthday wishes.

The hip replacement went well and I should be off crutches by next Wednesday. The ankle is not repairable except for a total fusion or a (relatively new they tell me) ankle replacement much like a hip or a knee, so I’ll have to wait for a while on that. They fitted my ankle for a sweet little splint/brace that I can wear with my waders, so, when the hip is up to speed, I’m back on the water!

Again, thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and words along with your prayers.

Here’s a pic of me just the day before yesterday before I had to shave to go back to work. As many of you may be able to tell, and my wife reminds me, this pic appears that I am enjoying the pain pills a bit too much…

It’s good to be back,
