Kennebago in August

I cannot wait!! Going to Little Kennebago Lake outside of Oquossuc, Maine in two weeks. I have Hornbergs and Royal Coachman in my box from previous trips–anything new or special I need? Please let me have a recipe if it is unique.

Thanks to all and tight lines

When you go to get a fishing licence in the Rangeley area, they will ask to see your streamer wallet.
If you are not carrying some grey ghosts you will not be allowed to purchase said licence

Howdy neighbor,

Love those Hornbergs up there. Also recommend a brook trout fly. It is available at the fly shop in Oquossoc. They are also very free with information as to where to fish. In each of the last two years that fly has broght me a 2+ lb brookie from one of the ponds in Rangeley.


Thank you both