Kelly Creek Flycasters - North Idaho Fly Fishing Expo

Kelly Creek Flycasters - North Idaho Fly Fishing Expo
March 25-26, 2011
Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center - Lewiston, ID
For more information

Got my invite to tie about a week ago, can’t wait!


Just wanted to bump this. It appears to be shaping up to be a pretty nice event. many good tyers involved with some great workshops. I’ll be there with my good friend Bruce Staples, one of the featured tyers and speakers.


Unfortunately, we have to miss this one. Our travel money only stretches so far. Asked them to send us another invite for next year though.


Just a bump. I hope there are a few FAOLers going to be there. I’m tying Saturday morning and then doing a tying workshop at noon. Stop by and say hi.


Got a chance to attend the show Friday afternoon.

What a blast - Spent most of my time in the main tying room just observing, chatting and seeing what others were tying. Picked up a few new materials, one being Sparkling Material (for Sparkling Willie Flies) that looks really cool. Also picked up a ‘Bugometer’ - had to laugh at that one! Watched Bruce Staples and John Shewey tie during a featured session. Boy, do they make it look so easy. Wasn’t able to get down there for Saturday and unfortunately, I missed your session Kelly :frowning:

Did get a bit of news from Leroy Hyatt about the PBS series ‘Fly Tying: the Angler’s Art’. Looks like he and Carolyn Sells will be in the studio come April shooting Season 6 with a strong possibility of Season 7 a little further down the road!


Sorry I missed you, my session was Saturday at noon. It was a fun show though. Hopefully in the future they’ll eliminate the row of tyers tables down the middle of the other tables - very poorly attended in those center tables. Overall it seemed like a well-attended and well-organized event.
