Kansas wind

I am sick and tired of the winds. Today 25-35mph with gust over 40mph makes it hard to enjoy the spring fishing.

600 miles north of you…I feel your pain.

It is a bit breezy out, isn’t it? I was looking forward to a morning on the pond, but it looks like I’ll be helping out around the house and tying flies instead.

Can you say, “Sidewalk sale at K&K”?

I saw that, I am going to have to check that out today.

I’d pray for a day like that on the Blackfeet Reservation; my thighs cramp just thinking about sitting on Duck Lake in a float tube. Hope things settle down for you.


Gee, sounds like an average day here in Wyoming.

UGH! Tied a few bead chain hares ears, got veggies prepped for grilled goose tonight… Headed to Wichita now, dad’s having some minor surgery… Oil change at 3. Wish I was on the way to KC to get in on the K&K sale!

Ah, yes!! The Wyoming Wind Festival! Runs annually from about 1 January through about the 31st of December!!

Oh yeah, The K&K sale. Been trying to forget about that. I’ve got a bad case of “too much month at the end of the money” syndrome this time around :cry:

I used to live in western Nebraska, I know that wind of which you speak.

Isn’t Kansas windy because Missouri sucks so much? he he…sorry, I like Missouri. Its just a little Midwest interstate rivalry fun…

Ooooooooo … nope, not goin’ there! Nope!!! <heh, heh, heh>

I have in-laws in Colorado. We usually stop in Hays for the night on the way out, done it every year for the past 20+.
The wind is always blowing (approaching gale force) in Hays.

Another windy one is Livingston, Mt.

Did I need to add a disclaimer statement to my acknowledgement of the sale at K&K?? Yadda, yada, yadda … you know how it goes. I really should have gone there BEFORE posting this here! Had first crack at all the good stuff …

geeeeze…is there any good fishing place that is NOT windy? I have terrific wind today and yesterday. Yahoo I think said gusts over 60…maybe 70. I do live in a windy area. But each year the wind seems to be worse. I am thinking about selling and moving to some place less windy. But…according to the above posts…seems to be windy everywhere. I’m telling you it isn’t fit for man or beast outside my house right now. I worry about my shingles on my roof…

additional thought
and I am also concerned aboout my pull along RV blowing over. I cannot move it to a less windy spot. I fear if I take the jack stands out from under it, it will blow over. I can’t move it with jack stands under it. So it is sitting broadside to the worst winds…I usually park it in a very safe non windy spot…but moved it to front of house to pack for a trip…then the winds came…I have been hearing my shingles jitter and stutter for two days. I really dread going outside to look at my roof…

Winds at 25-30 mph today and yesterday here in Idaho!

Funny thing is we live about 20 miles from Lawrence Ks but my son will be playing football for Mizzou. Talk about taking it from all sides.

Next time you’re in Hays, go south to the Conoco station (Cerv’s) and get a snoball… a bit of heaven on Earth. Ohhh I miss living in Hays! :frowning:

The least you could have done was keep the wind there. Wind was 35 mph with gusts to 40.
easy to cast. Just put the tip of the rod up and the line went out. Hard to know when to set the hook.


Guess what gang I’m in MAINE and tried to play golf ( OOppps) cause you couldn’t fish in 40+ winds. 3 outhouses turned over, 3 pins on greens blew over, and 30’X60’ tent tore to shreds. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE ??