kahle's fluid

where does one get kahle’s fluid ??? The internet search wasn’t much help.

Mark, the formula for making your own is on Google under glossary. I would expect you would have to go to a relly big pharmacy or pharmaceutical supply house. The vet school at CSU would prabably give you a small amount if you asked them. :smiley:

Kahle’s Fluid

15 parts - 95% Ethanol - (Lab supply)

6 parts - 40% [url=http://www.geocities.com/koifla/Formalin.htm:ffdd2]formalin[/url:ffdd2] - (Lab supply)

2 parts - glacial acetic acid - (Lab supply or photography supply)

30 parts water - (distilled)

I have found [url=http://www.wardsci.com/:ffdd2]Ward’s[/url:ffdd2] to be a good source for Entomology supplies

Assuming you are using the Kahle’s fluid as a preservative for insects you have collected, you also may want to try a search for Pampel’s solution or Pampel’s fluid. I haven’t used the Kahle’s fluid, but have used Pampel’s - works great with minimal color loss. You can make your own, or places like bioquip.com sell it ready made.