Rumors of my demise by Ohiotuber are completely false. I really don’t get much time to fish, but I don’t sit idle either. Here are a few of the projects that occupy my time…
Homemade Cavatelli with my new Cavatelli maker.
Fettuccine Alfredo with pan seared chicken breast and broccoli, made with homemade pasta and homemade Alfredo sauce.
Honey whole wheat bread (made almost weekly) and a new addition to the bread line, honey whole wheat sandwich thins, just for Mama.
Chicken, pineapple and vegetable stir fry on a bed of vegetable fried brown rice
marinated chicken kebobs with sourdough no-knead bread, fried rice and a killer salad made by Mama.
I have many more, but I don’t want anyone to require therapy from over indulging. It’s very possible that one or two of these meals may turn up in the campground at the Michigan Fish-In in a couple of weeks.
Ok, Ok already. I’ll put a few more up here just to satisfy the hunger in some of you folks.
I’ve been making my own pasta sauce for awhile, but when freezer space became scars I started to bottle it and just keep it in the pantry. I bottle in two sizes for when it’s just me and Mama for dinner.
Anyone care for good old comfort food? I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like it, especially during the colder months in the Island Nation of Ohio. Here are a couple of slow cooked roasts in pork and beef that warmed us all to way to our toes.
Thanks to all for the compliments. Steve, lots of people love to hate me for my food. I’m used to it. LOL
Our daughter from Orlando is in town for the weekend, so we celebrated with a little picnic food for dinner, all at her request. The ribs were tender and all of the bones slipped right out of the meat before finishing them on the grill.
Your demise may not have come at the hands of Ohiotuber but something has indeed happened to Mikey. I was looking forward to seeing him at the Ohio Warmwater Conclave and he was a no-show!!! Something dastardly must have happened to Mikey. If anybody knows the whereabouts of the tuber please let us all know. But, if he just played hookey and went fishing then I think some form of penance is in order. What say ye? Come to think of it, I didn’t see Joe Valencic there either.
The food looks great Joe. Me being on a low-fat, low-salt, and low-potassium (and no taste) diet I can feel my arteries plugging up just looking at the pictures. You had better be careful that the food cops don’t catch up with you.
This was a rare time when all 3 of our kids were home. Our daughter from Orlando came in for the weekend, so we everyone here for dinner and playing with our 5 month old grand daughter. No clue where Mikey is, but I just talked to him a couple of nights ago, amd I don’t remember if he said he was going to the conclave or not.
Everyone should know that eating Joe’s cooking can be hazardous. I almost starved to death after leaving the Michigan fish-in where I camped near Joe. I just couldn’t find any appetite for the fast food places I stopped at on my way home. It was just as well as I was starting to have problems with my jeans having shrunk that week anyway.
Joe. I love what you’ve offered up. Not sure what some of it is, but I am sure I’d eat it all. Now if I can just learn how to prepare dishes like that from a Dutch Oven in camp.