Just Another Bummer;
Last weekend, I was happy to tie up a few flies for folks coming to the Great Western Sportfishing Show in Spokane. It was a fun experience and lots of folks are excitedly looking forward to this year’s warmer weather. However, when I returned to work on Monday, I learned that the BOSS, has made some changes to our benefits. He changed the Vacation Schedule, and reduced it to “One Week Per Year” for everyone. He also said you can’t take any vacation until you earn it. He also said you can’t carry any vacation time over to your next year of employment. Because I started with my current job on Aug 31, I can never take a week long vacation in September. The Idaho Fish-In is always in the last weeks of September, this means I can never go to the Idaho Fish-In again, on a paid vacation. If I could, I’d quit my job and just go fishing, I just plain can’t so I won’t. So there are some really great friends I will probably never see again. REE & VEE come to mind right off the bat. DanBob, DadBob, Ken Sample, Dana Sorenson and lots of others race my mind with sorrow. I’m sorry to complain, but this really bums me out. Thanks for listening to my rant.
Joe I’m sorry your having these difficulties, one week a year is awful, not being able to carry it over is terrible guess he is afraid someone might put two weeks together and have a real vacation. Hope things look up. Start looking around for another job, there ought to be one out there somewhere. I understand these are tough times for everyone even bosses, but he is shooting himself in the foot.
I agree with Eric…start looking. I’d worry that if these changes are necessary to keep the business afloat, it’s likely to go under. If they’re not necessary, the guys a jerk and you don’t want to work for him too long anyway. Either way, the best folks you work with will start looking soon and you want your name out there first.
Joe -
Far be it from me to encourage anyone with a job to go looking for a different one right now. But if this fellow is so dense that he can’t see the long term consequences of his new benefits program, he’s probably not someone you want to stake long term employment on.
This economy will recover. What it will look like when it does is anybody’s guess. One thing it will look like is Joe at an Idaho Fish-In. Maybe not this year, maybe not next … but it will look like that not all that far down the road.
first thought is this >>>> what is he going to dictate next.? Look for another job. It sure cannot hurt and you might find something better. Best wishes.
I’m with Eric, John and Rock on this one. Who knows what they’ll do next if they get away with this one. Unless they have to replace you with someone else when you’re on vacation, it’s a low cost to the company to give vacation. Very discretely, begin a new job search. You never know what you might find. And if you need some help with a resume, I’ve done a bunch in my lifetime and would be glad to help.
Recessions bring out the worst in some companies. The best thing you can do for yourself is always give your best. Make yourself indispensable. You never know, your boss may bend the rules a bit for a devoted employee and you?ll be on your way to Idaho. Like the old saying goes, you can catch more bees with honey than vinegar.
That is truly a bummer. I am with the other guys, start looking. Things aren’t that bad in our area and someone out there needs a reliable employee like you. I will keep my ears open and if I hear of anything I will let you know.
If things are as you describe, that is the worst vacation policy I have ever heard of. You work a full year to earn a week off and then the next day you lose it ???
Joe, you’ve got me wondering if what
your boss is proposing is even legal in
WA. You could ask your employment
board and find out.
That said, how many days vacation will
you earn between Dec of a given year
and Sept of the same year? Might be
enough to get you to Lowell tacking the
weekend on the end of the earned days.
Again though, I don’t think what your boss
is doing is legal as regards the vacation
If I don’t use all my vacation time by Aug 31, I lose it and I have to start over. From Sep 1 to Aug 31, I will earn 1/2 day per month. On a side note, I’ve been thinking of contacting the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) about the legality of what he’s done. I was getting 3 weeks per year.
Check the state labor laws for certain. Both state and federal. In know in our state he would be heading for court eventually.
I agree with the others here that this is signal to start a job search but not immediately. Give yourself a day or two to think things through and calm down a little. These things stressful and you need to be able to step back a bit so you can think more clearly.
Thanks Shaky Wadr,
Let me know if you see or hear anything.
My bad. I misread your post. You need to find out your legal rights. I have worked at companyies that have pulled the use it or lose it stunt. Unfortunately it seems in CA it is legal.
I am consulting at a company right now that will have four mandatory shut downs. Employees have the option of using vacation to be paid or take the time as unpaid. Needless to say many are POed.
It is always better to look for a job when you have a job. If and when the time comes.and you decide to move one don’t discuss it with your co-workers… People will talk.
Best wishes.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but from the National Labor Board Website:
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not require payment for vacations or holidays (federal or otherwise). Holidays and vacations are generally a matter of agreement between an employer and an employee (or the employee’s representative).
If you all don’t have you eye out for the next employment opportunity you are potentially looking for a fastball and about to get a curve.
Uncle Jesse,
I believe you’re right. I’m just waiting for the next axe to fall. I’ve been looking but jobs are few and far between.