Just a thought # 13

Good morning All.
Just a thought,

The pessimist see the difficulty in every opportunity
The optimist, the opportunity in every difficulty

Kind regards,

Somebody give you a calendar with aphorisms for Christmas or do you work as a cookie stuffer in a fortune cookie factory?

How true UB! Good stuff keep em coming and thank you!

Good afternoon CNEWTON
“Somebody give you a calendar with aphorisms for Christmas or do you work as a cookie stuffer in a fortune cookie factory”

I do not work for either or was given anything like a calender.

I collect the above and when I am feeling, lets say not too well, I reflect over the words and then think there are always others worse off than me.

For example, if I have pain in my hip and it hurts like bugger, I think, what am I crying about as there are those out there without a leg.

It helps me get through my day.

If it upsets you or offends you in anyway, I aplogise.

Kind regards,

Uncle Barry,
You are wise to think positive and I hope you keep posting more thoughts.
What do you think of taking this job and resting your hip for a few months?: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20090113/wl_asia_afp/lifestyleaustraliatourismoffbeat

Good evening DShock.
I think…

Its only a cheap add, a sly piece of clever advertising from the State Government.

If there is really a job.
It would go to a friend of someone in Government !

And in the mean time the clever advertising has gone around the World for free.

Kind regards,

Doesn’t offend or upset me, just wondered where it came from.

I sent a son off to war today and aphorisms don’t do much for me.

God bless you man and your son, safe returns.

Ray Fairweather CDN Army 24 yrs, Retrd.

I sent a son off to war today and aphorisms don’t do much for me.

Sorry to hear that, my thanks for his contribution and best wishes and hopes for a safe return.

The war was nothing to do with Uncle Barry however, so maybe there is no need to be rude to him.

Good evening All.
Its ok, I am not stressed by Col Newton’s comments.
However thank you for caring.

Col, if one of my son’s had just been sent of to War, I too would be totally stressed and further around the bend than I am now.

And thinking, as a Father if you were not stressed by your son going to a War front, mate you would be a lousy and mean Dad, being stressed and worried is apart of loving and caring for someone that holds a dear place in your heart.

I trust he returns home safely and his term is not too long.

Is your son a fly fisher ?

Kindest regards,

Thanks for the kind comments about my son. He is part of the Asymetric Warfare Group and doesn’t deploy for long stretches. He should be home in a couple of months.

I am sad to report that while he can use a fly rod, he is still a fish hog (and game hog, for that matter). He uses high end spinning gear most of the time. That’s OK. He’ll come around.