Joe's Homemade Noodles

Nice, Joe. Tasty sounding recipe. Your pictures did conjure up a memory of my Mother’s floury homemade noodles hanging over cabinet doors and the clothes drying rack before the big Sunday dinner. Roast beef gravy and homemade noodles were a favorite of mine.

It’s ok to be lazy and not roll them out as thin as you should. Nothing like a nice THICK hot buttered noodle. One can easily make a whole dinner out of one bowl of 'em. :slight_smile:

I was looking at my noodle maker last night thinking that I needed to make some noodles. Fresh are much better than store bought. I will have to try this receipy it looks great.


I did Joe’s noodles today with a pot of turkey veg soup.


…and he lived to talk about it! Amazing!

Way to go, wet. They really are tasty, especially when they’re fresh. Glad you enjoyed them.