Joe Hyde and Betty Hiner watch out....

I am moving south. I just accepted the call to a new congregation in Salina Kansas. I don’t know if they will ever give me enough time off to fish, but if they do - I expect ALOT of fishing advice!



Er…How close are you to retirement?! I know Betty!! And, I think Joe is of the same ilk!!

Jack, I am sooooo far from retirment that I can’t even see it from here. I’m old, but not from years just from the number of miles.

Does this mean I’m too young to play with Joe and Betty?


Mr. Hise is right about Betty, and the few times I’ve met Joe and his articles suggest that he might be just as bad. But in both cases that’s actually a very good thing and we wouldn’t have it any other way 8)

Sounds like you’re in for some good fishing times, Ed! Take pictures, tell stories. And good luck to you with the new congregation!


The miles do wear on us for sure and I’m sure you will have a grand time with two wonderful people
P.S. Many years ago it was thought that I would be a grand minister in the Lutheren Church!! Didn’t work out!!

Mr. Hise, (now respecting your advanced years)

Being and knowing many Lutheran ministers, I beleive, had things worked out, you would have indeed been a grand one. While flyfishing is not required, nor taught in Seminary, those of us who attended in St. Paul Mn and took advantage of the local opportunities did indeed have an advantage over those who thought the land of 10000 lakes was only for growing “Luterans.” :wink:


Pastor Ed,

We’ve got fish and Lutherans here in KC. I know, I am one… well, a Lutheran, not a fish. :wink:

Salina might be too far away for our local waters to be worthwhile, but if you travel to the southwest corner near Tablerock and Arkansas you’ll find Roaring River and some real good trouts.


Betty and her hubby have been out in the Black Hills or I’m sure she would jump on this. :lol:

There use to be a fried chicken joint in Salina named “Betty’s” but I think they are out a bidness.


If you are ever down in Wichita (about 90 miles south) this winter, give me a buzz and we can go fly fishing for some trout in the local stream. Flies only, and it is a decent way to get some fishing in over the winter.

Yes sir, Blue.

You can bet that I will be down to Wichita this winter. There is bound to be a meeting or somebody in the hospital, or some store that I JUST HAVE TO go to for something or other.

Note to self: Don’t wear waders to the hospital.

You will be getting a call! :lol:



Good news on the home front!! We’ll take really good care of you!! (Age is just a state of mind!)

Ladyfisher was right! Just got home from 2 and a half weeks in the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota! But there are wonderful, fun waters around the area that you’ll really enjoy.
Cast that bread (crust fly) upon the waters! Lots of great sermon materials to be found!