JC'S Voice

Every Sunday night I click on FAOL to see what is new for the next week and this week I got a surprise!
JC’s voice! That was a very PERSONAL touch.
I just want to make sure that wasn’t a collect call because I have limited funds? :wink:
Anyway, FAOL is starting to remind me of the TV show STAR TREK. The first nine seasons, there was a limited budget, but in the tenth season we are going into hyperspace with all this tech stuff.
Bless you JC and LF for being so dedicated to having the BEST site on the internet!
Doug :smiley:

Wow, Dougie, what nice things to say. I thought a little surprise wouldn;t hurt anything. Glad you enjoyed it! :smiley:

I just checked it out. I usually keep my sound turned off. I want to thank you for this added personnal touch. By the way nice speaking voice. Thank you JC and LF. John

After getting home in the wee hours after a weekend fishing trip, I crawled out of bed and sat down in front of my computer this morning to check my email and my daily visit to FAOL. I have a surround sound system hooked up to my PC, and darn near jumped out of my skin when I hear JC talking! Sounded like he was talking over my shoulder! Good thing I wasn’t sitting here in my underwear… :oops: The changes to this site are impressive to say the least. Every time I log on, it is like an adventure. Nice job!!!

Only ONE of my Grandmothers had permission to call me DOUGIE!!! One of my brothers called me Doug Doug the sewer slug. Is there such a thing? :shock:
Heritage Angler,
I think that was a very funny reply! If I was you, I would hook up the surround system to your TV.
Doug :smiley:

The voice is a great touch! Very pleasant tone. Will the message change each week? Keep up the great work!

After talking with you several times at the Michigan Fish-In it was a pleasure to hear your strong yet soft and measured voice again.
Now you have to let LadyFisher chime in, I miss her conversations too!
IMHO the spoken words convey more than the written ever will.

JC, Deanna, EXCELLENT add on there!! now if we can just get you guys to narrate some of those great stories you write…

outstanding addition there folks, only at FAOL!!

:cry: Bummer. Our sound wont work on the puter. Had a lot of people look at it but no luck.

Have you noticed? J.C.s voice has that slight twinge of the Duke. I almost expected a Howdy Pilgrim to come out at any moment. Now I expect L.F.'s voice to sound like Maureen O’Hara. That was a very pleasant and unexpected surprise. Who had their hand up your neck to move your lips? Just kidding, keep up the exceptional work!

OK, one more cat jumpin’ outta the bag…
‘Podcast’ coming soon… :twisted:

I thought the same thing. Great voice, I did enjoy the surprise. It is always good to hear your voice and your wisdom.


On tuesday evening, at no great expense, we converted the cartoon on the main page so you had complete control. Start, stop and kill the freekin’ sound. So far, not one word of gratitude or heartfelt thanks for all our hard work.

I for one, am completely stunned by the power you have. It seems like only yesterday that every time we saw your cartoon you wouldn’t stop talking.
Now, there is a TV around you and we don’t hear anything! :roll:
I am afraid to think what will happen tomorrow!
Doug :oops: :shock: :wink:

kewl, man… :smiley:

I tried to be nice.
Doug :smiley:

jc magic man show…
now there is a possibility…

jc turns into a frog bwahahahahha
ladyfisher has to kiss the frog to turn him back but instead ends up with warts…

(happy endings are for freaks… go read the orginal grims fairy tales if you don’t believe me)

I grew up with Grim’s Fairy Tales and I can tell you it was all a BIG LIE!!!
Thanks Mom and Dad! For NOTHING! :shock: :evil:
Doug P.S. And thanks for scaring the you know what out me by making me watch FLYING MONKEYS on the WIZARD OF OZ!!!
I feel better now.
Doug :oops:

Finally! I get to hear the sound of your voice, very nice touch Mr. Castwell. Were you ever a professional announcer?

I suppose the next step is a weekly point/counter-point debate between you and LadyFisher. At least it would be nice for us to get to hear her sometime.

thanks and warm regards,