JAX TWENTY-FOUR SEVEN SMELT - Fly of the week - Apr 25, 2011


FULL MOON! OH NO! This is the lament of many fly fishers who feel that the moon light spoils their fishing.

Well this Fly can and has on numerous occasions proved to be a good fish fetcher for me.

My reasoning is that if the moon turns the night to day. Then fish as though it is daylight.

Give it a try and the beauty of this fly is that it is just as effective in real daylight.

Jack Murry has again written another great fly pattern to go with previous “FOTW” fly patterns that he has already contributed to “FOTW”.

The 24/7 Step-by Step Instructions are a great example for any new fly tier who wishes to dress "streamer pattern! If you enjoy the most recent fly pattern contribution by Jack Murry, you will also enjoy the previous fly patterns submitted by Jack Murry.:slight_smile:

Previous FOTW submissions by Jack Murry:

Chocolate Sunset

Jax Roughy

Jax Suicide Nymph

Olive Emerger

Yellow Lumi Doll Fly

Ignoramus that I am, I haven’t seen any black magic hooks and didn’t find out much about them when I Googled them. Are B 6 to B 10 hooks the same as our #6-#10 hooks? All I saw in the catalogue I found had the suffix /0 which made me wonder if the hooks recommended were actually 6/0-10/0.
Of course I can tie the fly any size I want, and it appears it might be effective in several sizes, but just wondering…

Rodger O.

Rogerole; Black Magic sizes are the same as any Std hook. The B prefix designates that it has a 2XL Shank.

I think Black Magic is a Local Brand. http://www.fishingmag.co.nz/Black-Magic-Lure-Hooks.htm This link will allow you to have a look see at what the hooks are. Hope this is not taken as advertising. I have no connection with Black Magic other than I use their hooks for my Lake Flies. Have Fun. Jax