Its a small world.

Another good read by Chris Chin.

I have sure been there Chris. Fish hung up with only a wing and a prayer of getting itloose. Everything from pilings, roots, boat motor, rod holder, rocks, etc . You name it I’ve been hung up on it. Sure is nice when a stranger stops to help.

It Happened to me with a 50+ pound Chinook wrapped around a piling on the Argonaught dock in Campbell River. A Kid of about 15 or so climed down that rickety rusty old ladder and Carefully passed my rod around the piling then climbed back up so I could finish the fight.
I lost the fish at the net but not on the piling. I Met that same kid, now a young man about 5 years later on the same dock. I didn’t recognise him but he reminded me. This is a wonderful sport because of people like that.

I almost forgot, Chris when you want a salmon to turn, with the line tight twang the line as you would a guitar. This works really well on the Ocean or even on a large lake with big trout. Probably for the same reason they stop when you bang on the rod butt.

Hey Gnu Bee, … Great story about CRiver.

Hmm, … Twang the line, … good idea … Must be easier on the palm too. I still have bruises from last AUGUST, … but that’s another story :wink:

Golly Gee of course its a good story. It was written by Chris.
Chris’ fan
