Nope, that’s not a fly. It’s a spinner. 1/4 ounce is a bit much for even a 9 weight fly rod to fling.
However, you can tie some flies with spinners on them that do cast well with light fly rods. These were VERY popular historically with fly fishermen, and many old books and catalogs show these flies.
Smaller blades, 0s and 1s, plus the ever popular ‘propellar’ style, readily lend themselves to flies.
I stay away from using a clevis (that little ‘U’ shaped piee of metal that the blade rides on as it spins around the shaft of the ‘spinner’) as they seem to both twist the tippet badly and make tangles worthy of photographing…
Hooking a small indiana, willow leaf, or colorado blade to a small roller swivel, either at the head or tail of a fly, does work well, though. The ‘propellar’ styles are even easier, just slide them onto the hook behind the eye.
Adds flash, vibration, causes interesting vortexes is the water that make materials act more alive, etc…
They’re only flies in the sense there’s hair and feathers on them. That’s about it. For most waters the treble would be a problem (single barbless only) and the blade would be too much weight. Definitely a spinner bait. If the blade wasn’t on it “could” be considered a fly but again there’s the likelihood of fish and game restrictions.
FLY: A single or double hook dressed with hair, feathers, tinsel,
thread, yarn or similar material to which no bait, spinner, spoon,
plug or other device is added.
If IGFA (International Game Fish Assoc) rules interest you:
[LEFT]The lure must be a recognized type of artificial fly, which
includes streamer, bucktail, tube fly, wet fly, dry fly, nymph, popper
and bug. The use of any other type of lure or natural or preserved bait,
either singularly or attached to the fly, is expressly prohibited. Only a
single fly is allowed. Dropper flies are prohibited. The fact that a lure
can be cast with a fly rod is not evidence in itself that it fits the
definition of a fly. The use of any lure designed to entangle or
foul-hook a fish is prohibited. No scent, either natural or artificial is[/LEFT]
allowed on flies. The use of scented material in a fly is prohibited."
So no, it’s not a fly for a world record. Is it fly fishing to me. It you can present it with a fly rod and it makes you happy and your aren’t trying for a world record and it’s LEGAL. What the hey, go for it man. It’s just a game, no one came down from the mountain with a stone tablet on this stuff. Some people would like it that way as long as THEIR way is the way written in stone.
you can always remove the treble hook and the spinner blade and try it. I have a few
different ones for my ultra light spinning outfit. haven’t tried it yet, just a thought