Is there an easy substitute for a net retractor

I cheaped out in gear and never bought a net retractor or magnetic net release. This week when fishing, I had a nice rainbow on the line, I reach back for my net and the stupid little elastic string I had my net tied on got all tangled up and I ended up fighting with my net more than my fish. Needless to say I lost the fish.
Do I need to cave and shell out 20 bucks for some type of net gizmo? If yes which one do you reccomend and if no, what else can I do?

I’ve always used a “french clip (snap?)” with a bungie-type loop.
I haven’t seen anyone selling new french clips in a while though.
If you can find one it would probably cost less than a dollar.
I guess that’s why they don’t sell them any more

I bought a brass clip w/thumb action at H-Depot in the row that has their ropes/chains. This clip when closed creates an overlapping circle-ring. Couple bucks will do ya.

page 31 of the feather craft online catalog

This wat works for me:
I have large Cabelas retractor attached directly to the net’s handle with very short bungee. When wading I clip it to the waders right in front of my left armpit. The net is hanging along the left hip. When landing the fish all I have do to is reach to my side instead trying to “catch” the net. So far it did not get tangled in the line… so far.

When I carry the net on the back and walk thrugh dense bushes the darn thing keeps on snagging. By the time I feel it it’s too late. I feel like the dog reaching the end of the chain…

Get one of the magnetic net release systems. In know some of them are pricey, but I have seen non-name brand ones in the local shops for under $20. Or you could make your own using high power rare earth magnets purchased from the local hardware store, my local hardware store sells a package of 6 magnets for $5. They are in my opinion the very best way to carry a net.

I tie one magnet to the top of the net bow, the other on the vest using the loop at the back of my neck, so the net handle is with easy reach at the small of my back.

The advantage of the magnets are plenty…

  • you don’t have to reach blind behind your back with two hands to replace the net, the magnets find each other as soon as they about 6" apart. While most of the net release systems can be detached with one hand the magnetics are the only system I have tried that I can easily replace the net one handed. Even with gloves on.

  • there is no elastic cord that can get stuck on a branch, only to release a second later and smack you in the back of the head.

  • that magnet on the net is ideal for sweeping the grass looking for the size 20 nymph you just dropped. Or the box of flies you just spilled onto the front seat of your wife’s car. It’s strong enough to even pick up metalic objects that get dropped over board, like those car keys you left on the trailer during the boat launch.

  • I can clip the magnet onto the side bar of my ponton boat and always have my net within an arms reach.

If you catch and release fish, you might consider leaving the net at home as using one of the ‘Ketchum Release’ tools. This handy device will unhook a fish easily without taking it from the water and without touching it.

What Kengore said! But buy the larger magnetic ones available.

“PULL” it’s free. Swing it around back and “CLICK” she reattached! Simple, hassle-free.

Don’t go on the cheap…unless you like screwing around like you just did…or losing yer net altogether!

Jeremy…who’s too poor to buy cheap!

I use the rose creek net release ($9.99). I put the net release on the D ring in back, and attach the net upside down. Putting the net upside down makes it easy to reach the net handle when landing a fish, and greatly reduces snags. The net is easy to snap back in place.

I use a french clip because it came with my net.If or when the clip breaks I try another type of holder but there’s no way I’d go back to a retractor or bungee. I only had to be wacked once in the back to toss a bungee.
A little hint to keep your net from tangling is to tuck the net bag under your wader belt while walking the trail.


This is what I now use and love it! … at_id=6023

I’ll put in my vote for a magnetic net release, too. I’ve used one for six years now and like it. If you don’t use a lanyard to secure the net to your vest or wading belt, be sure the magnet is engaged before letting go. A buddy lost his net when he thought he had his magnet engaged, but didn’t. Oops!


I’ve been debating how to carry my bogga grip when fishing the salt. The magnet may be the solution to two problems. :slight_smile:

I’ve always used a net retractor with a french clip. I haven’t checked the prices lately, but I doubt if they cost $20. I would think closer to $10.

OK now I went and looked it up. Look in the Hook & Hackle site, one of the sponsors here.

One more vote for the Gear Keeper. Easy and simple!

You can get a magnetic net release without the bungie cord for 10 bucks. I bought one and added my own cord later using about 30 or 40 cents of bungie material I bought at a rock climbing store, a copper crimp you can get from the electrical section of the hardware store (you’d have to buy a box and need a crimping/wirestripping tool), and a lobster clasp off a cheap dog collar (about 60 cents) I bought at a surplus store. It might be difficult to find the same stuff and is probably not be worth it if you don’t already have the crimping tool, but it cost me less than $12 bucks all together.

If you don’t use a net, you don’t need the retractor…

OR the net.

Just a thought.


I made do with a cheap retractor system for years. Then my kids got me a nice magnetic release for Christmas a couple of years ago. I love it and would not go back. It is well worth the $25.


This may go with saying. But just incase.
Don’t use a magnetic release on a net with a metalic frame.
The magnet will stick to the net frame instead of finding other magnet when replacing.

I use a magnetic net thingy now ('cause it was given to me … must be about 10-20 bucks).

I used to always use a key chain. The type that separates in to with a push to release thing. Stainless steel and costs about 10$ for 100.

PS. … I also always atache the net hoop up … handle down. Makes it easier to grab the handle and the netting doesn’t hang down and get snagged on brush as often (I have a long traditional netting as netted fish don’t get released).

I think a C&R net won’t have this problem.

I don’t use a net very often but I usually carry one. I hook the handle cord to a clip on my wader belt and then stuff the net itself into the belt at my back. If and when I want to use it, it is an easy reach but is still hooked on in case of a slip. Also with the netbag tucked into the belt it almost never tangles in brush and it is well out of the way while fighting a fish and dosen’t get filled with trash and weed floating in the stream. I can also always feel it in place in the belt.