Is it time for the PA Fish-In !?!?!?

Just kidding. I would like to put in for my vacation now to be ahead of the others at my store. Do we have tentative dates in mind? I seem to recall the last week in June to beat the D*mn flies and be there for the hatches?

I think it is the last week of May

Whats wrong with you guys???
I just got done talking with a fellow from Canada that is dying to join us at 2011 PA Fish-In. He didn’t even care about the dates. After he looked at some of the pictures that Steve posted, he was ready to leave—today!!!
Hmmm- when is it going to be-----I quess I should know, after all I did make the dates. OK–I lie-I do know when.

May 24-29-2011. Take notice it is a day longer this time…

I was looking over some old pics from past years just the other day and I’m getting that feeling already. A few changes will be taking place. We will have someone else handle the booking fees and payment schedules this year.
Cooking will be shared by all who attend—wet fly guy and myself decided to fish this coming year.Besides we didn’t look good in an apron!!
Wet and myself will still handle the food buying and meal lists. We will “supervise” the food cooking. We may be 20 miles away still in the stream but we will leave a note!!! (Dave- you still cook a mean steak) I do lousy in cooking cameras…

More to come but–yea, we have our dates for 2011 and we should be hitting the infamous–GREEN DRAKES this time.


get me details and we’ll make a page for it. Then when it’s about a month away we can put it on the main page.

Does this mean we all have to install push bumpers on the back of our vehicles? :smiley:

Were your ears ringing this weekend? Bruce, Bob, and myself were standing in Elk Creek talking about you, while playing with the steelies. Something about your infamous “fish call”.

I’m in.

Oh sorry am i too early :slight_smile:

Randy, I thought you made a mean, deep fried camera! lol. I hope we can hit the hatches this coming season. Last year, was all screwed up.
Ed, how was Elk fishing? Our streams have been super slow. Even the Catt., hasn’t been too good. I had to go all the way to the SR to find fish. lol.

Hey, who started that conversation anyway??? that call works.
Yea, you guys are fishing and I’m working…

No–I’ll drive the food cart–with a freezer in the back. No one really believed me til I pulled in with a freezer in the back.

Joe–you in a hurry??? You getting a room this year or you like the cab of the truck better ???

Deep fried camera.–yea, I’ll never live that down will I ???

rtidd–I’ll get that info for ya shortly.

Hi Phil! Times were tough on the PA tribs this past weekend. We had fish, but no water. We needed some rain to get the fish active and moving - of course, it started raining on Sunday. Things started to pick up, but it was time to go.

We even tried Randy’s infamous “fish call”, but just like when he uses it, only the little fish responded.:wink:

Randy, Last week, while up on Kettle Creek, I was wondering who would bring up the Fish-in first and if it would wait till after Christmas? Well I got my answer today! I’ll admit I thought about it a few times but I’m just getting ready for the bear hunt this comming weekend and haven’t even started skiing!! In reality I am looking forward to fishing Pine during the Drake hatches. And yes I’m still in! Can’t stop thinking about those cobblers. Any new ones lined up? I’ll be watching for a post as to when to send money. It is already saved and hidden. Ron G

Hey Ron

Yea, I’m going up for bear too.
It’s funny to watch and wait for the first signs of—Fish-In!!! Did we ever make it til Christmas??? Got a bunch of new reels to sell this year, along with fly boxes. If you can’t wait til May for another reel, PM me and I’ll send you some pics on your regular email.
Ask Wet about the cobblers. I’m waiting for fresh blueberries mixed in. Maybe respberries…hmmmm


Hi Phil! Times were tough on the PA tribs this past weekend. We had fish, but no water. We needed some rain to get the fish active and moving - of course, it started raining on Sunday. Things started to pick up, but it was time to go

Been like that up here, too. Our creeks have been in pretty rough shape. Were finally getting some rain, so hopefully it will get things going. It’s been bad from Ohio, right up.

Could someone hit the fast forward button and set it for May? lol. MMMMMMMMM…cobbler. lol.

Fishin Is it time to cook already!!!

I am moving up to a hammock beside my truck this year :slight_smile: still want in on the food though if that is possible.

I never know if i will be able to be there the whole time or not so i hate to take a spot in a room from someone who wants one for the whole time.

Fishin Is it time to cook already!!!

Bruce, i’ll send ya my address so you can send me a sampler platter of cobbler. lol.